If you are experimenting with e-commerce, you are probably eager to accept credit cards on your Website. After all, you will be able to attract, impress, and sell to clients from anywhere in the world, and many of them will be ready to pay by credit card at the point of sale. So what’s holding you back?
For one thing, you will need a merchant account to accept credit cards on your Website. An established bank, credit union, or financial broker must extend merchant account privileges to your business and provide a gateway that will let your Website accept credit payments. Find a merchant account broker that you can trust, check out the terms, and apply when ready. You will have to show that your company is solvent, that you can pay merchant account fees, and that you are not involved in anything illegal. Many companies let you apply online in a matter of minutes, and a day or two later you may receive email verification of approval. Then you are ready to begin selling products or services at your Website.
Be careful when setting up your merchant account to accept credit cards on your Website, however. Don’t buy more Website processing features than you need. Start with basic processing services and build from there as needed. It may take time to get the word out about your company, but using marketing strategies and posting with search engines can guide interested customers to your site. Make your Website attractive and efficient so that customers will enjoy shopping there. If you aren’t sure how to do this, hire a Web consultant to do the work for you.
In fact, in addition to seeking to accept credit cards on your Website, keep in mind that it helps to build a client base by providing a free or useful service to visitors at your site. A friendly piece of advice about the industry you are involved in, a quick survey, or a helpful hint that connects your product to the customer’s need can build good will and keep your company in the forefront of their thoughts for the next time they need whatever it is you are selling. Your Website should be arranged in orderly fashion so that each page is easy to navigate and links readily to the others. Don’t overload your site with unneeded information or tons of ads, which will turn many potential customers away. Keep it clean and simple, and cater to customers’ needs, and they will come back—and perhaps bring their friends! Don’t add too many bells and whistles or they may forget why they are there—which of course, from your perspective, is to shop and buy things.
When you accept credit at your Website, you make shopping easy and fun for your customers. Many will bookmark your site and return often to see what new wares are available. Put out the welcome mat along with your credit processor so that people from around the globe will know that you are ready to accept credit cards on your Website.
About the Author:
Shane Penrod is the founder of Merchant-Account-Quotes.com Specializing in allowing merchants the ability to shop and compare multiple quotes from national merchant account providers. For free quotes on merchant account rates and fees, please go to http://www.merchant-account-quotes.com
Source: www.isnare.com