Numerous researches and surveys confirmed that:-
• Men are attracted to women by sight and all other feminine attributes take a back seat. So when a beautiful and attractive woman walks into a room, you can be sure that every male eye in the room will instinctively give her a top to toe glance unless of course that guy who didn’t happened to be gay. Some men will already be making mental plans how to chat her up or even taking her to bed.
• Women’s attraction to men is much more complicated. It is the total package that women will be looking for in a man. Good looks alone are not sufficient for a woman to fall head over heels with a man and sex is the last thing in her mind….erm….ahem …usually.
So what do women find attractive in a man? Well researchers surmised that the women’s maternal instinct will look for other attributes in a man besides good looks whether the women know it consciously or not. Some of these are that a man must be confident, must be able to communicate with her verbally and instinctively, must not be a wimp, must have the ability to protect her and her brood, have some quality traits to ensure that the best genes are passed on to her offsprings and a list of other features. Looking attractive is not at the top of the list or so the researches said
Did I say, looking attractive is not on the list? No, I did not. The gurus said so. Why do I disagree? Let me ask you another question. How many times have you heard a woman gushed “Ooooohhh…he is soooo gorgeous” or “Omigosh….Brad Pitt is sooooo handsome”? If that is not being attracted by attractive male good looks, then what is?
While I do agree that girls will ultimately bed or marry a man with many other qualities, an attractive looking man will still be a women magnet or at least during the first contact. How else can a girl get to know a man or are able to assess his other traits without getting to know him first? So the initial attraction is still a good looking male who is attractive to girls and women.
Do we agree now that men must look good to attract the girls? Now that we do, let us explore what physical features will make us attractive to women. We will not discuss facial features because we are stuck with it and nothing can be done except with surgery to reconstruct our face. That leaves us our male body of which we can sculpt and mould so that it is attractive to women.
Most women are not attracted to someone who is skinny or obese. This actually makes sense. A skinny man is instinctively perceived as too weak to protect her and an obese man too cumbersome to bring home the bread and may be prone to illneses. This compartmentalization may not be logical and are probably programmed in women’s primeval maternal instinct.
On the other extreme, most girls are also turned off by men with big huge muscles like those of professional bodybuilders. Reasons often repeated in surveys are that the couple will look unnatural. Normal human do not have such large muscles and therefore bodybuilders are intimidating. To make matters worse, many women whether if it is true or not declare that bodybuilders are narcissists as they spend hours and hours in the gym preening themselves so much so that they are insensitive to women’s needs and so are therefore selfish people. It may not be true, but then these are what women perceived bodybuilders to be.
That then boils down to this, the reasonably muscular and fit man with the following body features attracts women:-
• Broad Back and Chest – Denotes confidence. Projects a strong respectful posture and demeanor.
• Sexy Six Pack Abs - The man is not obese and also with the six pack abs, he is strong and therefore he is not like the skinny weakling. He is also perceived to be great in bed, which adds icing to the cake eh?
• Strong Arms and Shoulders – Able to sweep her off her feet and protect the young ones. Also perceived the man to be hardworking and capable of bringing bread and butter to the table.
• Perky and Strong Butt – Indication of athletic prowess. An ability to jump and climb powerfully. Also some sexual innuendoes are hinted here.
• Strong Muscular Legs – An indication of preparedness for fight or flight when the situation demands.
Still don’t believe me? Ask any woman why do they swoon over Brad Pitt in the movie Troy and you will get the same answers. Therefore the researches are right. What attracts girls to men is a package of many attributes. By owning a reasonably lean and muscular male body certainly embraces many of these traits which women find so attractive. So guys, when is your next gym workout?
About the Author: Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of fashion models, actors and male pageant titleholders.
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