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HOME >> How to Be a Self-Motivator



How to Be a Self-Motivator
By Joan Marques



Wherever and for whoever you are working, there are a few rules you can follow to increase your performance, feel better about yourself, and gain recognition.

At the beginning of every workweek, check your schedule. Consider if there are any changes to be made, preparations to be initiated, reminders to be given, and time-squeezes to relieve through rescheduling.

If you are working with appointments - always give your contacts a reminder one day before the deadline. It will save you a lot of frustration and unpleasant surprises.

If your job entails contacting clients, call them regularly and be proactive! If they tell you they will call you back, give them reasonable time-space to do so, but never assume that they will. Be prepared to call again, and again. Your perseverance will ultimately earn their respect. Remember: Winners never quit; quitters never win!

If your daily schedule is hectic, don't wait till the end of the week for a
grand-resume. Wrap up and make notes after work (or at the beginning of the next workday), just so you don't forget what you accomplished or agreed upon.

If you are working with equipment, check it out regularly. Even the most expensive tools can embarrass you in critical moments.

Have a back-up plan ready if your principal work-instrument gives up on you. Either know your material well enough to continue without any technical advancement, or have simple alternatives ready (markers, chalk, cheat-sheets, pen and paper, etc.)

Be early at your destination. Whether you are visiting contacts, being visited by contacts, or just working with colleagues- make early arrival a habit. It prevents nervous and hasty actions, increases your chances on a successful performance, and it makes a pleasant and professional impression.

Produce a status report at the end of every workweek. Suggestions on what to include in this report:

* What you did this week (this can be divided in days of the week, categories of action, projects, locations, etc., depending on your job content)

* What your actions of this week mean for the company: the bigger picture. If you can produce numbers, you always make a strong point.

* What your actions mean in the total perspective of your particular job. If you work toward an annual deadline, for instance, state the annual target, then the achievement up till now, and finally, what's left to do. This makes your report easy to follow for every reader.

* Suggestions resulting from and/or complications experienced from this week's activities.

* Next steps: This part can be divided into:
* Operational next steps (to be effectuated next week or next month)
* Strategic next steps (actions seen within the bigger picture)

* A calendar with your weekly or monthly schedule, for as far as these are important for the continuation of the company activities.

Make at least 2 copies of this report: one for your supervisor, and one for your own file.

So why is it good to make regular status/progress reports?

* They keep you focused

* They provide you a file of your performance on the long term

* They give you a feeling of accomplishment

* They provide clear insight into your activities to your supervisor

* They make it possible for others to continue your excellent work if unforeseen matters occur

* They represent living proof of your efficiency!

Therefore: if, after applying this performance aid you have not turned into a satisfied and highly valued self-starter, you might want to review your job and evaluate whether it is the right one for you. It may very well be, after all, that you are in the wrong place, which makes not only you, but also everyone else around you unhappy. However: if the aid works for you, you'll find yourself becoming increasingly motivated and proud of yourself and your accomplishments, and compliments, recognition, and eventually promotion, will come into reach. Congratulations!

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