Copyright 2009-2015 Wendy Owen
Almost 10% of the US population suffer from depression at any
one time. Similar statistics would be expected from other
developed countries.
Depression can affect our sleep in many ways. Some of us sleep
longer and others find themselves waking up in the early hours
of the morning, unable to go back to sleep.
Insomnia can be one of the many symptoms of depression, so it's
best to treat the depression itself and usually the sleep
problems will resolve themselves.
Depression can affect not only the sufferer but also family and
friends who are often at a loss as to how they can help. We
should let them and not try to shoulder the burden ourselves.
We have to be careful whom we chose to confide in though as some
people still have the mistaken belief that depression is a
"malingerers" complaint. The last thing we need when depressed
is someone telling us to, "Snap out of it" or "Pull yourself
Depression is a clinical complaint and a genuine illness.
Symptoms of depression can include fatigue, lack of motivation,
difficulty concentrating, insomnia, irritability and even
physical symptoms such as headaches or digestive upsets.
Depression can be severe (major depression) which can completely
disable the sufferer, or moderate (dysthymia) in which sufferers
can function from day to day but never really feel content or
Then there is bipolar disorder which is less common. Those
afflicted with bipolar disorder can swing from a high (manic)
state to a low (depressed) state seemingly without cause.
What causes depression? It could be several things. Depression
may run in the family, or start after a chronic illness. It can
also be caused by hormonal imbalance which is why so many women
fall victim. A person's thinking pattern may be prone to
depression, for example those with poor self esteem.
"Cures" for depression are many and some more effective than
others. There is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) while sounding
like something from the torture chambers of the inquisition, is
an effective aid for severe depression.
Prescribed medications like lithium can be effective but can
also have side effects like drowsiness, dizziness, blurred
vision, insomnia, constipation and more...
Herbal remedies are a viable option and have many less side
effects while being remarkably effective and cheaper.
Recommended are St John's Wort and Passiflora.
Regular exercise and a healthy diet are also important. Make
sure there are plenty of B vitamins in the food you eat or take
a supplement. Include foods which help raise serotonin levels
(Oats, milk turkey and pasta) This will have a beneficial effect
on your sleep too.
Cognitive or behavioural therapy can greatly assist by changing
behaviour and thought patterns that may have led to the illness.
To summarise - Share your problems with a trusted friend or paid
counsellor, watch your diet, exercise regularly, take
appropriate medication or enrol in behavioural therapy. Help
yourself defeat the "black dog" of depression.
About the author:
Want to know how to cure insomnia and achieve healthy sleep?
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sleep advice and articles. Sign on for our newsletter and
receive 2 books absolutely free! Wendy Owen is a health
researcher and author.