Cash back cards offer you a rebate either in cash or in kind as a reward for making your card payments on time or for having an excellent credit history. The rewards may come in 1% to 5% rebates for all purchases charged to the credit card, although certain companies implement present minimum spending amounts before users become entitled for the rebates.
This sounds like a good offer as you will be getting cash back for a maximum of $125 in cash rebates for a total charge of $2500. Do this consistently on a monthly basis, and you will begin to see your cash rebates become substantial.
Also, some companies offer special rebates or rebate coupons when users shop at selected stores that partner with the credit card company to offer special privileges specifically to their credit card holders. These benefits provide card owners with a sense of prestige and builds customer loyalty.
What’s more, cash back cards also present other forms of cash back offers: 0% annual percentage rates, a 0% rate on balance transfers (for limited periods) or $0 annual fees. Some credit card companies go the extra mile by literally mailing cash back rebates in the form of checks. This may be one of the most ideal deals around, as this is as close to cash as cash back rebates can get.
As cash back credit cards are also aimed to encourage users to spend more, some credit card companies offer a point accumulation reward scheme. Essentially, you are rewarded with a preset amount of points if you make charges above a preset minimum amount. The accumulative effect of these reward points will then allow you to use them as cash to redeem exclusive items. All in all, cash back cards have a lot to offer if you can afford to spend, spend and spend with your credit card.
About the Author:
Adam Goldman recommends Find Credit Cards to get the best cash back card offer. See for more information.
Read more articles by: Adam Goldman
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