How to Build and Sell your eBook at the Same Time Judy Cullins
©2005 All Rights Reserved.
Why write an eBook?
You want ongoing, lifelong multiple streams of income. You want
to raise your credibility and trust ratings with clients or
customers. You want to get your message out so the world can be
a better place.
Yet, you want to spend only a little time on it. (Would you be
willing to spend 4 hours a week?) You want to get it out fast
(Would 4-6 weeks be OK?) You want to market Online at a low-cost
investment. And, for some of you, you are ready to be innovative
and even take a small risk to get your eBook read by millions,
rather than hundreds!
In order to finish your eBook fast you need to first, look at
where you are now; second, where you want to be; and then you'll
know how to get to your finish line.
Where are you now?
You have the idea for your eBook; you have a lot of ideas! Take
a moment and decide which one you are most passionate about now
and will be for the next year. Focus on one great idea, then add
others you know will work.
You have your eBook well on its way, but aren't finished. You
need advice on how to get it done, what's needed to publish (not
much!), and how to distribute it.
Who Should Write an eBook?
- If you are ready to invest a little to reap a great deal. - If
you have a unique message you want to share with the world - If
you want to create active, lifelong streams of income - If you
want to promote yourself, service or products - If are willing
to write, publish yourself, and sell 2 years ahead of
traditional publishing - If you are a business person who wants
to brand your business and serve a wider community
How to get there.
Build and Sell your eBook at the Same Time
Every part of your book can be a sales tool. When you include
the "Essential Nine Hot-Selling-Points" before you write chapter
one, you'll sell more books than you ever dreamed of!
1. Create impact for your title.
A title is the number one "Essential Nine Hot-Selling-Point" of
your book. Your audience will only spend 4-8 seconds on it.
Check print and radio ads for spicy titles. See other authors'
titles on book store shelves. Your title must compel your reader
to buy now. Which title grabs you? Elder Rage or Care Giving for
2. Make your book cover suit your audience.
If you write for a personal-growth audience, choose colors such
as: aqua, red, light-greens, and white for your cover. For
business book covers, use: blue, red, maroon, and white.
3. Write for your one preferred audience.
Not everyone wants your book. Find out what audience wants/needs
your book? What problems does your book solve for them? Create
an audience profile first, then write your audience a "Dear
Audience" letter on why you are writing the book and what it can
do for them. Keep your audience's picture in front of you as you
write. Be sure to include your biggest and best audience, the
one Online.
4. Write your print or eBook's introduction.
Include the problem your audience has, why you wrote the book,
and its purpose. In a few paragraphs include more specific
benefits, and how you will present it (format). Keep it under a
page. Your introduction will help you write your sales letter.
5. Write a thirty-sixty second "tell and sell."
You only have a few seconds to impress your potential buyer.
Include your title, a few benefits, and the audience. This
billboard needs a sound bite to grab attention. "Write, Finish,
and Publish your eBook Fast to Pull Online Sales" shows
professionals how to shortcut each step of writing, publishing,
and promoting a salable short eBook.
Add a sound bite to the above "tell and sell" something like
this: Compare your book to someone who is famous. One client's
title "Passion at Any Age" used the sound bite "this book is the
'Artist's Way' for seniors.
6. Create a table of contents.
Create a catchy title for each chapter. If your reader can't
understand the chapter title, then annotate it. Add some
benefits or a sub-title.
In my first chapter called "Why Write an eBook?" I added this
partial list of benefits: create ongoing lifelong multiple
streams of income, credibility as the expert, and more targeted
buyers that help you create more profit.
7. Create a back cover.
You need to include testimonials, five bullet points on
benefits, a short headline why your audience will want your
book, and a one or two line bio. Put information that will help
your reader decide to buy.
8. Write your sales letter before you write your book.
Think about your potential buyer. What are his resistances? His
problems or challenges? Be sure you address these. Your sales
letter used to promote your book either by email or on your Web
site needs to give the benefits your potential buyers want and
need. Include compelling ad copy, features, testimonials, and a
small blurb about you, the author. If your potential buyer likes
it, they will buy on the spot.
9. Reach out to opinion molders.
After an initial contact of asking for feedback, resend them the
same chapter and the table of contents of your book. Ask for a
testimonial then. These influential contacts' testimonials will
help promote your eBook Online.
Design every part of your eBook to be a sales tool and a beacon
that brings out your best: writing--compelling, easy to read,
organized, and enjoyable. Your book can sell to thousands, even
hundreds of thousands when you design it correctly.
About the author:
Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works
with small business people who want to make a difference in
people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a
consistent life-long income. Author of Write Your eBook or Other
Short Book Fast and 10 others, she offers free help through her
2 monthly ezines, "The Book Coach Says. . .," and "Business Tip
of the Month." at Email her at Ju