You constantly hear about people who desperately are trying to
lose body fat. However, occasionally you hear about people
struggling to keep weight on. They complain they are too skinny,
and no matter how much they eat, or how hard they workout, they
just can't seem to build fast muscle.
Their natural bodybuilding dream of adding ten pounds of muscle
mass quickly turns to frustration, and disappointment. This
generally leads them to either quit all together, or spend even
more, determined time in the gym trying to build any kind of
muscle mass.
Hard gainers, please read closely! There is hope for you. You
can gain muscle mass quickly as long as you train intelligently.
In a recent interview with a national newspaper I was asked how
I would help a so called "hard gainer" grain muscle weight in a
healthy manner. My specific answer is listed below in 5 simple
build fast muscle tips.
1. Workout Less
You are probably muttering less is suppose to say more. Nope!
Working out less is a main key in helping hard gainers break
through the threshold. Immediately decrease your natural
bodybuilding sets to one per exercise, and only 2-3 exercises
per muscle group. However, when decreasing your sets, it is
imperative that you increase your exercise intensity. That means
performing the set to momentary muscle failure. Please note:
That one set is the set that counts, but light warm-up sets are
2. More Days Off
Yes, instead of increasing exercise, hard gainers must take even
more days off between training sessions to allow full muscle
recuperation and growth. Some individuals may need to take up to
10 days off between hi-intensity muscle building sessions. It is
important to remind you that fast muscle mass is gained between
workouts, not during workouts.
The workout less strategy also prevents you from burning a huge
amount of calories. Instead, the calories can be used for muscle
3. Limit Cardiovascular Exercise
You read that right. Yes, limit any other exercise that will
catabolize your muscle mass. Your goal should be to decrease the
amount of calories you burn. Your furnace like metabolism is
already blazing.
4. Determine Calories Needed
The next step would be to figure out, exactly, how many calories
you need to maintain your bodyweight. With this number you can
find out how many additional calories are needed to gain weight.
If you don't know your maintenance number, how do you know where
to start?
Start out by recording everything you eat for one whole week
(portions and all.) Get a calorie calculating book, or resource
and figure out the amount of calories you took in. I am assuming
you have not modified your diet, and the scale showed a zero
weight gain or loss for the week.Take that number and add 500
additional calories each day consistently for 7 full days and
beyond. Keep a close eye on the amount of calories you are
taking in.
If you are having trouble keeping your calories up, resort to
liquid shakes for diets supplementation.
5. Track Your Progress
If you are not measuring you workout weight, and reps, how are
you going to know what you need to beat the next workout? Track
it! Don't walk around the gym lost like most people.
It is also important to track your weight and caloric intake to
determine if you are staying at that plus 500 calorie mark each
and every day.
By following these five simple strategies, you will be able to
build fast muscle just like individuals with slower metabolisms.
Your natural bodybuilding results will not only soar, but the
scale will also. Hard gainers, don't give up! There really is a
trick to it.
*** Attention: Ezine Editors / Website Owners *** Feel free to
reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, Blog,
Autoresponder, or on your website as long as the links, and
resource box are not altered in any way. Thank you!
Jim O'Connor - Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter
Copyright (c) - Wellness Word, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312
Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967
About the author:
Jim O'Connor is an Exercise Physiologist, author, and publisher
located in Beverly Hills, California. He combines his education
with practical knowledge to promote Bodybuilding To
discover additional natural bodybuilding tips visit Natural Bodybuilding.