The most common of engagement traditions is the groom presenting
the bride to be with an engagement ring. Most commonly, the
engagement ring is a diamond ring. While diamonds are the
preferred precious stones, diamonds are not the only gems used
in engagement rings.
The most important reason diamond rings are so popular is
because they are the most expensive of gems; therefore,
considered the most precious. The diamond jewelry retail market
is a $30 billion market with over $5 billion of it spent on
engagement rings in America.
To the untrained eye, most diamonds look equally beautiful. Most
people evaluate diamonds based on its size, shape, and price. A
lower price typically means lower gem quality, not necessarily a
Estimating diamond quality requires skill and experience. It
requires grading a ring based on a combination of
characteristics such as cut, clarity, color and carat weight.
Such characteristics are called the "4 Cs". A diamond's weight
is measured in carats. One carat is one fifth of a gram.
Generally diamonds range from 0.25 up to several carats. The
largest cut diamond in the world is 530.20 carats. Sorry, it is
not fore sale. It is called the Cullinan and kept in the Tower
of London. The Cullinan is set in the sceptre of King Edward VII.
In addition to considering weight when valuing a diamond, color
is an important factor. Colorless diamonds are rarest and they
are the most expensive. Diamonds with a hint of yellow are
considered less pure, and they are less expensive. Diamond
colors are coded from D to Z. A through D grade diamonds are the
most expensive and Z are the least expensive. Diamonds graded
D-F are considered colorless and they are the most expensive.
Reputable jewelry stores, usually, do not sell K thru Z grade
The most valuable color grades: A - D: Absolutely colorless. The
highest color grade, which is extremely extraordinary. E:
Colorless. An expert, still considered a rare diamond, can
detect only minute traces of color. F: Colorless. Slight color
detected by an expert gemologist, but still considered a
"colorless" grade and a high-quality diamond.
Another important factor determining the price of a diamond is
its cut. As any of the other characteristics cut is equally
difficult to judge for the untrained eye. The grading
certificate that normally comes with the diamond will provide
you a good idea. Independent testing institutions, such as the
GIA, provide certificates with a diamond's grading from
excellent to poor. Naturally, a certified diamond means a larger
price tag.
In simple terms, the clarity of a diamond refers to its purity.
Most diamonds have minuscule imperfections called "inclusions".
A flawless (no inclusions) diamond is extremely rare and
valuable. At the same time, diamonds riddled with inclusions are
less expensive. Clarity is graded from "flawless" (FL) to
"imperfect" (I1 to I2). Most diamonds fall between those with
very, very small inclusions (VVS1) to rocks with slightly larger
inclusions (S1). If you can compromise on clarity, you are going
to be able to save. To verify a diamond's clarity, examine the
laboratory certificate.
If money is tight but you must have a diamond ring, stay away
from the big name jewelry stores. Brand name more often than not
comes with a larger price tag. Buying wholesale may be a viable
option. As a rule, the wholesaler's core business is selling
diamonds to retailers, but they also sell to the public. Because
they do not advertise in the same venues as retail jewelry
stores, you have to seek them out. It is easier to find
wholesalers than you think since many of them are listed as
diamond merchants in the phone book.
About the author:
Favors Wedding reception favors personalized, wedding
candles, favor bags.