When we want to manifest our world we may want to employ
creative thinking and alternative ways to think about the
challenges of manifesting.
What is Creativity? Creativity is the ability to imagine
something new. By combining ideas or thoughts in a different
way. Now it has been said there are no new ideas under the sun
but there are new ideas in the sense we take old ideas, include
others ideas and rearrange them in a way that they are new to
our world at least. Some ideas are brilliant while some are only
common sense that has not been put togather in that particular
way as yet.
Believe it or not, everyone has substantial creative ability.
When I was a child I was always inventing something. My
creativity was not always encouraged but by being alone a great
deal of the time my imagination was nourished. In adults,
creativity has too often been suppressed through education,
convention, and religion. But your imagination is still there
and can be reawakened. To reawaken your creativity you must make
a commitment to it and set aside a certain amount of time to it
each day.
An Attitude. Creativity is a attitude. It is being gratiful for
what you have in this time while playing with new ideas of how
to change it. It is also a belief in the fun of playing with
ideas and liking the challenge of change. We are socialized into
accepting only a certain number of ideas. If one can make play
out of creating new ideas this process becomes a game. It is a
game that has huge payoffs in the GAME of life.
Everything depends on the way you look at things. View every
problem you encounter as an opportunity. There is always a good
side to every situation.
The optimist sees an opportunity in every misfortune. The
pessimist sees misfortune in every opportunity. The optimist
sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole.
You can develop success from every failure. Discouragement and
failure are two stepping stones to success. No other elements
can do so much for you if you're willing to study them and make
them work for you.
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
A Process. Creative people like the process of fiddling with an
idea. They like to refine an idea to the last possible thought
about it. They are not in a hurry. Very few creative ideas come
in one rush they come from playing around with one idea or a
group of ideas until one can go no further with it. Then it is
good to have a group that is interested in the same ideas to
bounce the idea off. The creative person knows that there is
always room for improvement.
Suspend judgment. This is the most important rule. When ideas
are brought forth, no critical comments are allowed. All ideas
are written down. Evaluation is to be reserved for later. I know
I have the tendency to analyze and throw the baby out with the
bathwater. One needs to let idea germinate and grow.
"Howling Wind" ©Lee Kroemschroder
Here is an alternative idea one might try when making the effort
to manifest your dreams.
Seek non-human assistance. Ask for a totem animal, to help you
manifest your dreams and to show you the best way to proceed.
Make a list of the skills you need, and announce to Spirit that
you would like a "power" animal to teach you. Repeat the
following statement: "I am open to communication with my spirit
guides, and would like them to come to me in my dreams. I will
remember these dreams in the morning."
Start a dream journal it may take time to have the dreams come
just keep repeating the statement each night and have your dream
journal next to your bed with a pen so that you can record
either in the night or first thing in the morning all that you
remember. Be sure and record the emotion of the dream as well as
the physical aspects of it.
The animal may come in dreamtime or during your daily
meditations. It may appear in your life. Personally, wolf is one
of my most influential totems and appears a great deal when I am
writing. I once manifested this totem animal in my life. I lived
for a number of years with 45 wolves on 90 undeveloped acres in
Oregon. That is another story for another time. Below you will
find some things I have learned from my Wolf Totem:
The practice of using animals is of Native American, and Celtic
shamanic, and tribal origins. Shamans believe that animals are
messengers of the Great Spirit. They are on Earth to teach you
something. The Great Spirit shares information with you through
visions and dreams using animals to represent what you should
do. Native American's say that Wolf is a teacher. For centuries
people have sought out the wolf's way of being social, hunting,
playing and studied them.
Wolf is allied with Sirus, the Dog Star, and it is said in many
cultures, that our ancestors and teachers came from there. This
is agreed upon by Australian Aborigines, and the Dogon tribe of
Africa, as well as certain Native American tribes. Wolf has much
to teach us, if only we will listen.
Wolf is allied to the moon and lunar energies, teaching us to
respect our emotions and unconscious urges. Respect for the
wildness of our animal natures, and willingness to face the dark
within ourselves is an imperative for Wolf people. Trust in the
unspoiled nature of your Child/Wolf self.
Because the Moon rules psychic perception, Wolf people should
work on learning to trust their intuition and psychic urges, to
listen for the still small voice within.
The communal nature of Wolf's culture and hunting helps us to
learn to cooperate to achieve a goal. It also helps us to learn
about how to be in a family. Wolf people make good "team
players" and are fiercely loyal to those they consider part of
their pack. They often have strong leadership qualities, however
they must often learn to balance their tendency leadership with
the humility of just being one of the pack. The wolf taught me
how to be an individual among the pack.
" As a predator, Wolf culls the sick and weak of the herd.
Wolves are often quick to scent when a situation is "sick," and
will work to change it. It is important that they learn to lead
the situation gently, and without tearing others apart. They
teach how to use aggression in a positive way. Wolf's capacity
for communication suggests that Wolf people should learn to
utilize the strength of their voice and to be aware of their
body language. When dealing with Wolf people, listening for the
nuances of vocal tone and watching their body language will help
in gaining an understanding of them. Wolves often make excellent
bards and storytellers.
Ritual is very important to Wolf. Both the little rituals of
day-to-day conduct, and the bigger rituals of lunar howling.
Whatever their spiritual beliefs, Wolf people will feel more in
tune when they honor and re-link (the actual meaning of the word
"religion") with the life force.
Now if this for you is a spiritual belief then you will have no
trouble following it. It does not have to be a spiritual belief
however it can just be an alternative way of thinking so that it
gets you out of linear thinking.
What are some ways you get out of linear thinking?
About the author:
Judi (Judith Schultz) Singleton graduated from Marylhurst
College of Lake Oswego, Oregon with a Bachelors Degree in
Humanities in 1992. She describes her unique spiritual
tendencies as "eclectic." Judi draws a great deal of spiritual
comfort and knowledge from the fine arts. She has a great
interest mythology and the Divinity of Beauty, and Archetypes of
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