The difference between online marketing and offline marketing though is profound. Although advertising can be very effective offline, it isn't nearly so effective online. The reason why that is most people surf the internet looking for information. They aren't usually interested in advertising unless the product or service in question can solve their problems. In this some strategies you can implement in your business.
For those who have read my work, you know that articles not only brand you as an expert but are also a way to create quality content for your site, and search engines love content.
If you don't like writing, or don't write, you can find quality articles to post on your site. The larger your site, the more likely you will be found in the search engines.
Here are a few article directories you can use:
Blogging is another way to create content for your website, and by using RSS, you can easily distribute your content. Most don't understand what RSS really is, or how it can most effectively be used to drive traffic to their sites.
Basically, RSS is a form of code that's very search engine friendly. With RSS feeds, which you can add to your website or blog, you can create content that updates itself. Because of this self updating, the search engines will spider your site more often, raising your rankings.
Here are two tools you can use:
Press Releases
Press releases are news about your business. Press releases are also an excellent way to get high rankings for your site because you can create content rich press releases and submit them to press release directories. Many of these directories are high traffic.
Here are several sites that accept press releases:
Search Engine Optimization
Optimizing your site for the search engines means creating keyword rich content, exchanging links with other sites, submitting your site to directories, which create back links pointing to your site.
You can use tools like Web CEO,, to help you optimize your pages.
Although submitting the search engines is often unnecessary, since most search engines will spider through to your site from another site, you still need at least one link pointing back to your site so that your site gets spidered.
Free Ebooks and Reports
By writing and giving away free e-books and reports; you give visitors an incentive to visit your website
Once you implement these content strategies on your site, add streams of revenue to your site like Adsense and Virtual Portals. These sites will allow you to monetize your site.
About the Author: Mehul vyas is a founding partner and Director of Marketing for Vyas Infotch Pvt Ltd. The firm specializes in the development and implementation search engine optimization technologies and solutions for the improvement of web site placement within the Internet's top search engines. The company is regarded by many to be the world leader in its field,