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HOME >> How to Create Unstoppable Confidence Instantly!



How to Create Unstoppable Confidence Instantly!
By Alex Carrera



This is a free chapter of my best selling ebook "The Amazing Seduction Formula". A step-by-step guide to quickly and easily seducing beautiful women.

The definition of confidence: Confidence is simply a feeling of certainty about an idea or belief.

Yet too often we make the mistake of thinking that confidence takes years to develop.

Or we think that confidence comes only when you are really ‘competent’ about something. But there couldn’t be anything further from the truth.

You truly can develop unstoppable confidence about anything, within just a few seconds, when you master and practise the techniques in this chapter.

But first let’s talk about …

The Mind – Body Connection

There are two things that determine whatever state of mind you are in at any given time.

Your physiology and your thoughts. Most people know that if you keep thinking negatively then you’ll eventually become depressed.

But what most people don’t realise - is that by simply changing your body language – then you’ll instantly change how you feel.

Let’s talk about physiology for a moment. Can you tell if someone is depressed by observing their body language?

Sure you can. How does a depressed person hold themselves? Usually they’re sitting slumped in a chair or on the floor.

They’re resting their head in their hands and their shoulders are slumped forward.

I want you to assume that position for a moment. How does it feel? You’re probably feeling a little more depressed by simply changing your body language aren’t you?

Now let’s try something different. Let’s change your body language again, but this time, let’s mimic a really happy person.

Sit up in a chair and straighten your back. Now roll your shoulders back as far as possible and extend your chest outward (puff it out).

Next look upwards to the sky. Now start taking deep breaths in and out, and slap a big smile on your face.

How do you feel? If you’ve done it correctly then I’m guessing your feeling pretty happy right now. Am I right?

Now do you see how your body can affect how you feel? Do you realise that by simply changing your body language, you can change how you feel in an instant?

You can literally get into any state of mind, by simply modelling someone’s body language, who is already in that state!

So in the following sections I’ll cover some body movements you can use, to get you feeling unstoppably confident in a heart beat!

Exercise 1: Becoming the giant

For this exercise you’re going to be visualizing the two paragraphs below.

First you’ll want to read those paragraphs (so you know what to visualize) then sit down, take a few deep breaths, and then you’ll actually visualize it.

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a tall 40 foot giant. You are the tallest, strongest and largest man the world has ever seen.

How does it feel to be all powerful and totally unstoppable? Imagine seeing the trees and ground far, far below.

As you begin to walk, the ground begins to rumble and shake. You walk into the nearest city and it’s your local city.

You grab the nearest tree or light pole and easily rip it out of the ground. Then you smash your fist into the nearest building and it crumbles easily.

Imagine yourself creating massive chaos or doing whatever you want to do.

Then you notice a beautiful woman running in the street. You scoop her up easily with your gigantic hand.

You hold her in your hand and realise how small she really is. You could crush her in a moment but you don’t.

Instead you simply stand there thinking to yourself that women aren’t really scary at all. You realise that the women you desire are easy to catch.

Exercise 2: Wearing the cape

This exercise is different from the previous one because you don’t really
have to close your eyes and visualize any scenario.

Instead I’d like you to stand up and begin walking around the room. I want you to start moving your body around as if you were feeling really confident.

Punch the air with your fists. And now that you’re walking pretend there’s a long cape flowing from your neck.

Pretend that you’re superman. I want you to walk around the room just as superman would.

Are you feeling a little more confident now that you’re superman? I’m sure you are!

About the author:

Alex Carrera is the author of "The Amazing Seduction Formula". A best selling step-by-step guide for easily and quickly meeting and seducing beautiful women.

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