Cutting your own hair may sound scary, and for some, the results
may look scary, too. But lots of women just like you cut their
own hair; and so can you. There are advantages and
disadvantages, so to help you decide for yourself, here are five
hot tips.
1) Scissoring solo requires the right equipment if you want it
to look professional, and of course you do.
But professionals don't use scissors from the office supply
store, from the sewing basket, or from the discount rack at the
drugstore. To ensure a clean cut - one that won't damage your
hair or leave the ends looking frazzled as if you used crummy
tools - you need extremely sharp scissors made especially for
cutting hair.
The scissors you use to cut paper probably have two
identical-looking cutting blades, joined together to form the
scissor. But hair scissors may have one blade that is slightly
more blunt than the other, to help capture and hold the hair
while the other blade (the extra-sharp one) slices it with
precision. To acquire the best scissors, go to a store that
sells supplies to the trade, and invest a little cash. Some
people invest what they would normally spend for a designer cut
at a hair salon, and that is not a bad formula to follow. Get
scissors that fit your hand comfortably and are appropriate to
the job - if you have short hair, you don't need the longest
pair, and if you like choppy layers, you may want to also buy a
pair that has gaps set especially for cutting the hair at
different lengths with a single slice.
Don't use hair scissors for any other household tasks, or they
will dull quickly. Dull scissors tug and snag and it hurts, and
they also wreck your hair. To have scissors sharpened, you will
need to send them off to a professional, unless you have one in
your area.
2) Mirror, mirror, on the wall:
To cut your hair, you first need to see your hair. You will need
excellent and well-lighted mirrors, positioned so that you can
see everything without having to twist your arms and head into a
pretzel. Some people are really good at feeling their way in the
darkness, but sometimes they end up with crazy swatches and
unwanted bald patches. If you didn't see it when you cut it, you
won't know it's there until people at the office or at a party
start pointing it out to you.
3) It feels so good, you may not want to stop:
Like many things in life, cutting your own hair can feel
sensational. It's fun, it
gives you a special sense of self-confidence and empowerment, it
can save you money, and there is something special about the
clicking sound of scissors snipping away those wayward locks.
You can always begin by just trimming the ends, and work your
way up as you gain confidence and skill.
But be forewarned: it feels so good to cut hair that you may
start off intending to trim the split ends and wind up with no
hair left. Cutting the stuff can turn into an obsession, like
shopping for shoes when there is a two-for-one sale.
4) Learn from the professionals (that's how they learned!):
When someone cuts your hair, watch which techniques they use. If
he lifts it up with a comb and then cuts it, ask him why. When
she reaches for a strange-looking pair of scissors, ask her how
they work. Don't be intrusive or impolite; just be curious and
conversational. The more you look, listen, and learn, the more
you can apply your knowledge at home.
5) The long and the short of it, plus knowing your strengths and
Whether your hair is long or short, straight or curly, colored
or natural, the challenges of cutting it by yourself are
essentially the same. You'll save money, and some of that
savings will be offset by an investment in equipment to get the
job done. Of course if you decide to throw in the towel, you'll
at least have an awesome pair of scissors for making a scrapbook
of your short-lived career as a self-stylist.
One thing that most people don't notice is that when you cut
your own hair, there is a natural tendency to favor your strong
hand and struggle with your weak hand. You may need two pairs of
scissors, one made for people who are right-handed and another
made for lefties.
When you cut your own hair, the cut will tend to be off-balanced
by the fact that one of your hands (the one your write with) has
more dexterity. This can result in diagonal cuts when you wanted
horizontal ones or deep cuts when you wanted them to be shallow.
But if you are aware of the natural tendency, you may be able to
avoid mistakes made by overcompensation by paying close
attention to the way gravity or your own grip tends to slant the
Cutting your own hair is all about confidence, creativity, and a
willingness to learn. Yes, it may seem like a pretty hairy
proposition to a beginner, but even applying makeup is a major
challenge if you've never done it before. Just as you approached
that skill a little at a time and graduated from painting your
nails and applying lip gloss to plucking your eyebrows and
choosing the right shade of foundation, you can master the art
of the haircut one inch at a time. And if it's not your cup of
tea, there is still a seat for you at the salon, where you will
be able to communicate with your stylist for a better outcome
because your knowledge is now "a cut above" what it used to be.
About the author:
John Williams shares his best ideas on how to cut hair, and on
the latest hairstyles from his