Some people believe that hit exchanges are not good for bringing
in free traffic. However I will disagree completely. In my own
experiences I have had excellent results while using hit
exchanges. The key is to use them correctly.
There are some assumptions you have to make when using hit
exchanges, one that the people who will see your ad on the hit
exchanges will be surfing only to earn credits towards the
advertising of their own site. Number two the people will not
read your long drawn out ad, there isn't enough time, or
If you are going to earn business from people surfing the web
using a hit exchange, 2 things will have to happen to be
successful, using this method of advertising.
1.) You must have an offer that attracts the viewers attention!
2.) The web page must be built for speed!
Starting with number 1. Most people find it hard to turn down a
good offer. Try to offer something that has people interested,
in hearing more like, Find out how you can get my product x; at
an extremely low, low price. That seems to attract attention
quite well. Giving something away for free is another great way
to get people fired up about what you have to say.
Number 2 your web page needs to be built for speed. The thing to
remember with hit exchanges, you only have about 20 to 30
seconds of exposure time to grab your viewers attention. So make
the page short, and to the point. Lastly, I recommend that you
put a picture on the page, a picture is worth 1000 words.(This
will help you to keep it short)
Here is an example of a web page that I have built for speed. I
have generated many on-line sales using this method of
You may have to adjust the wording, if you find that you are not
getting the results you are looking for. This kind of web page
works well, once you have everything right. From there things
move into auto pilot!
Notice in my example the picture of the e-book. When I first had
built the page I did not include the picture, after adding it my
results were 100 times better. Also if you take note of the form
on the page. When the viewer submits the information to the
auto-responder, the auto-responder sends the E-book to the
person's email automatically.
There is still one more step to take. This step is my favorite,
it can earn you a ton of extra traffic, so if you are interested
pay attention to this. You already know that your new prospect
uses hit exchanges! This gives you a golden opportunity to earn
credits by referring them to other traffic exchange services.
All traffic exchanges that I have ever used, provided me with
extra credits, and even money for referring them to new clients.
Although it should be Obvious, you need to send your affiliate
links to your prospects to earn credits, and this step can be
done using your auto-responder!
Psst, so what if I do not have an auto-responder? You can Get
one free at
About the author:
I am Michael Ditch, the owner of web site.
If you liked what you have read in my articles, or have
questions about what you have read please visit my web site,
where you will find many ideas and resources, on how to own and
run a successful Internet home business.