Every person has his or her desires in life. These desires must
be in one way or another be directed by a common goal. But do
you ever know that there is an effective tool in writing down
your desires? Yes, there is. The very elementary and primitive
way of taking down notes of your target goals has a very
satisfying aftermath with regard to the outputs of your desires.
Taking down notes or listing down on a piece of paper your
desires in life is the most basic tool in achieving your desires
in life. Have a clear plan at hand on what is it to do for
tomorrow. You may never know what will happen tomorrow or what
it has to offer, but you can still make plans on how do you want
tomorrow may happen.
The tool that I have mentioned above is the one, I, myself have
tried and still doing until now. Believe me but having clear and
definite track of ìwhat-to-doî tasks is proven effective by
yours truly. So, I encouraged you, too, to start listing your
plans ahead of time. This way, you are not only going to have a
clear track at hand but also a clear view of your destination
ahead. You can easily determine if youíre getting near to your
desires or not. Take it from me, I give it to you. Try it to
believe it people!
Aside from making a list of ìwhat-to-doî task, I am going to
give you additional checklist that will really help you in
organizing your list. Check these out!
Below are the Three Compatibility Checklists that will help you
decide whether your desires are for go or no-go desires. Letís
take them one by one.
Three Compatibility Checklists
1. Know your personality. If you enjoy talking to people, then
you will definitely be comfortable in sales, marketing or other
frontline functions. If you are more of a silent worker, them
you may be more effective with administrative work.
2. Observe your passion. Do you really like what youíre doing?
Is it something you enjoy doing? If not, then you are depriving
yourself the ability to excel in of what you do best.
3. Hype your potential. Now that you got the job, what is your
career path? Will it create an opportunity for you to become
manager someday? How do you see yourself after 3 or 5 years? If
you donít see any potential for growth, then it is not the right
job for you.
Now people, if you happen to realize that you are not motivated
enough to pursue you desires in life, in general, then take
this. I have provided below Seven Motivational Factors that will
guide you in motivating your desires. You may not be sure for
your desires today, but who knows, for a little time you might
decided after reading this. Read now.
Seven Motivational Factors
1. Relationships.
You should also consider relationship in knowing how to easily
obtain your desires. So what is the connection to that?
When at your best with the family, co-workers, friends, loved
ones or other people, then your motivation and performance are
at its highest.
2. Ethics. Respect for other cultures, norms and governing laws,
proper conduct and demeanor, and sensitivity to other peopleís
feelings begets same reverence for self.
3. Language Enhancing your ability to communicate, particularly
in the English language, creates definite advantage in the
global market.
4. Logic. The way you see, accept, and react to different
situations and events as they occur separates potential leaders
from perennial laborers.
5. Energy. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual conditions
will reinforce your ability to accomplish most, if not all, of
what you expect to achieve.
6. Vision. Being results-oriented, setting goals and having a
clearly defined direction set the journey to a fulfilled career
and a well-lived existence.
7. Enthusiasm.. The lifeblood of all motivational factors, it is
what makes everything happen, whoever you are, wherever you may
Through all these, as you build your list of desires; you will
realize that the only thing constant in life is change. Do not
be so caught up in a goal when you know it wonít work. Be
flexible about your aspirations and the means by which you hope
to achieve it. For every setback, obstacle or difficulty always
be guided by the question, ìIs there a better way?î
Remember, ìYou are a child of the universe, no less than the
trees and the stars. You have a right to be here.î
About the author:
Daegan Smith the owner of
Net MLM Articles and the leader of the fastest growing team
of successful home business enterpernuers on the net. Find out
how we're creating financial freedom all across the globe and
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