We cannot help it but fall into our daily routines. Working,
studying, running the errands, groceries, kids, deadlines,
projects, budgeting--the list can go on and on. It is a paradox
that the things that make our lives essentially easier are the
same things that bind us to our routines. Technology evolved and
is continually improving in leaps and bounds, yet we all feel
stressed. The amenities that we now enjoyed are not enjoyed by
the previous generation. Yet backaches, brain aneurism, carpal
tunnel syndrome, migraines, sleeplessness, etc. are showing us
that we are more stressed than ever before. The stress of living
in a post-modern world also invented post-modern approaches to
stress. The thing is, even our hobbies and interests are very
stressful and demanding activities. The stressful life in the
post-modern also had post-modern solutions, which are either
ineffective or superficial.
There are different types of stress. One of the reasons why
people have a hard time ending stress is that they are not
addressing the core issues within their lives. Here are a
handful of stress categories. Remember that in finding a
solution to a problem, you must first know the issue and the
cause of the problem. Find out which of these stress categories
are causing your life to be a living hell:
1. Work/Study-Related Stress.
The workplace and the school are very stressful environments.
Deadlines are one major cause of Work/Study Related Stress.
There are a couple of other factors that might contribute to
this type of stress. One is conflict with your boss/co-workers
and/or teachers, another is changes that are happening abruptly,
where you could not cope up with them. Threats to job security,
or a fears of having a failing mark could also contribute to
2. Relationship/Family Related Stress.
Family related stress includes divorce/separation issues,
extra-marital affairs, child-rearing, teenage break ups and
unwanted pregnancies among others. This is a major stressor for
most people and oftentimes, stress coming from this area can
have a major impact in other areas.
3. Environment Related Stress.
Environment related stress is stress where the normal daily
routines of a person is bombarded by disturbances and changes
that the person cannot cope with. Disturbances include noise
from the surroundings ( i.e. jackhammer in a nearby construction
site, etc.), and weather disturbances among others. Changes in
the environment such as moving to a new state, having a new job
or having a completely different lifestyle are stressors too.
4. Psychological Stress.
Psychological stress is an indicator that there are other
stressors in the life of a person. Psychological stress can
include fears of an individual which can either be real or
phobias which are not grounded on reality. Sleeplessness,
anxieties and worries are sometimes caused by unrealistic fears
which have no basis. The subconscious of a person and/or his/her
belief systems, cultural background and social milieu can all
contribute to a socio-psychological stress complex.
5. Financial Stress.
Feelings of helplessness in financial terms is one big cause of
stress, and because the economic well-being of an individual is
connected to other areas of his/her life, a financial problem
can also have spillover effects in areas such as relationship.
The individuals suffering from this problem are often
individuals who have a real need for basic needs or individuals
who cannot distinguish their needs from their wants.
6. Health Related Stress.
As the saying goes, the health of a person is the wellspring of
his life. Health related stress range from sleeplessness due to
an extreme caffeine consumption to drug abuse. Ailments are also
sources of stress. Some of the most common ailments that are
major stressors are heart and lung related problems and brain
These categories are not archetypes. Mostly, one stressor can
lead to other forms of stress. The categories can mix and match
to create more stress and pressures can creep in from one area
of your life to another. Above all this, the degree of stress
can be mild to extreme. A suffering from stress in one area
could not possibly isolate this area from infecting and
inflicting damage to other areas of his/her life.
How do we end all stress? There are literally thousands of
anti-stress and stress management websites. The ancient and
natural ways are still the best ways towards peace and serenity.
Here are some tips on how to end all stress:
1. Have a healthy lifestyle.
Health is wealth. I cannot stress it more bluntly. The only
happiness that we can ever enjoy in this world is life, and
having a great life starts with being healthy. Sometimes, people
are ill-equipped to face the stressors in their lives because
their bodies cannot handle activities involving pain, endurance
and strength. Exercise. Eat right.
2. Have sex regularly.
Sex is proven to be a very effective anti-stress activity. The
amount of sex needed by an individual depends from one
individual to another. Endorphins are released when we have sex.
These chemicals make us happy and contented. Tensions at home
are also lessened when couples continually enjoy each other.
3. Communicate.
People who do not say NO are always stressed-out people. Admit
mistakes and weaknesses. A simple misunderstanding between you
and your boss or your teacher can really make or break you.
Oftentimes, it is the small things that are neglected.
4. Prioritize.
Have a battle plan. Organize your life. I know that this seems
hard for most people. I am the worst procrastinator there is.
This article was given one month before the deadline, only to be
written the night before the deadline. In financial matters,
always weigh between needs and wants. According to Da Vinci,
Simplicity is still the ultimate sophistication. Living a simple
life that is free from lots of complexities.
5. Enjoy life and stop to smell the flowers.
We get easily entangled with the daily concerns that we have.
Our society is trained towards self-destruction. We work all
day; we even put up additional hours on the job just to get rich
quickly or make ends meet. A lot of people forget to enjoy life.
Always remember that happy thoughts, and moments, make us fly.
It is good if you will learn to reward yourself from time to
6. Acceptance of the truth.
This is one of the major reasons why thousands of Alcoholics
Anonymous members are very successful with their program. They
work on the prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the
things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and
wisdom to know the difference. There are things which we cannot
change, and there are things that have to be addressed even
though going through them could be painful. Are your problems
based on real issues? What things can be changed? What are the
things that cannot be changed? Do you need to take it easy on
Stress is an over-all phenomenon that is a pitfall for many
people. In the same way, well-being should not only be limited
to your finances or your health. The only real way to combat
stress is to be a well rounded person. Live a balanced and a
healthy life!
About the author:
Daegan Smith the owner of
Net MLM Articles and the leader of the fastest growing team
of successful home business enterpernuers on the net. Find out
how we're creating financial freedom all across the globe and
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