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Jesus died that we may have life, and have life abundantly (John 10:10). Why then, are so many Christians not enjoying their lives?
Maybe it's because they think they have too many problems. Maybe they think they have too many sins and are unwilling to get over the guilt. Maybe they just have a poor attitude.
Most reasons, or excuses a person uses to say they do not enjoy their life is actually a blame on something outside of themselves. Whether it be a person, an event, or the devil, it's just easier to blame than to admit having a poor attitude.
It is true, there is an enemy who hates us and wants to mess up our lives. He is the master of disaster, and he wants us to feel like a victim and feel completely helpless. But, we shouldn't attribute him for any of our problems because he is a defeated foe.
Jesus said in Luke 10:19, "God has given us all power and authority over the devil and nothing shall by any means hurt us." We, as Christians just need to take our rightful place as children of God against the devil.
Despite the devil, most people have a lot more than they think. Sometimes we just have to remember to count our blessings. It's amazing how simply focusing on our blessings will improve our mood and help us to enjoy our lives more.
Also, focus on serving and being a blessing to others. It's amazing how much more you will enjoy your life once you get your focus off of yourself and onto someone else.
Jesus said in Luke 6:38, "Give, and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." It is a fact that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
So be a giver and enjoy your life! It is a gift from God. Your gift back to Him is what you do with it.
Copyright 2009-2015 Daniel N Brown
About The Author Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success principles. Get his FREE report, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up for his FREE weekly newsletter.