>> How To Find A Profitable Targeted Niche
How To Find A Profitable Targeted Niche
By Gerald Hardie
If you know how there is Money to be made in writing Ebooks and
publishing them Online. Browse our articles and decide how you
will go about it. Will You have a go at Self Publishing, or look
for a Book Publishing Company!
If You are looking at writing a ebook and publishing it online
but don't know what to write then here is an idea to get you
Go to your local bookstore or and look at the
magazine rack. Find out what people are buying. Look at a
targeted niche. Look at what people are subscibing to. What are
the big advertisements. Companies don't spend money on
advertising unless there is a return. Look at the letters to the
editor and look for a problem. It is also good to get Back
Issue's so you get a good overview of the market.
Here is an example so you get a better idea:
You choose your niche topic "Fishing" for example. You get five
different fishing magazines and go to the secondhand bookstore
and dig up some back issues, Doesn't have to cost a fortune.
Upon reading through them you find that the big advertisers are
selling "Kite fishing gear" now with this in mind You also find
that there are lots of letters to the editor asking "How best to
set up the rigging for the Kite and how to tell the best times
to go out."
Now have a look online at "Google Search" and type in "Kite
Fishing" See what there is to offer. Is there any books or
manuals solving these peoples problems if not you may have a
winner. Now go to and look up Keywords for kite
fishing and see how many searches are being made for that topic.
If there are 4 searches a month then you do not have a demand.
Do some research on Kite Fishing and if you are able "Interview
Experts" on the topic. Record your Conversation with their
permission of course and then get it transcriped. There are many
transcription places to go online and it doesn't cost to much.
Now you have some content for your ebook without writing a thing
and you are now the expert author.
Look for people who are passionate about that particular Topic,
that have Disposable Income and a Credit Card. Write something
that will solve a problem and then market that product to them.
Find the market first then create the product to suit. This way
you are able to quickly create a product with pre-determined
demand, get a ebook, video or audio, your own digital product
and sell it online without huge overheads. So you see, you can
become you very own publishing expert without years of
experience in any targeted Niche.
About the author:
Gerald Hardie is a Sales And Marketing Consultant. He has many
websites and
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