>> How To Find The Best Low Interest Credit Cards
How To Find The Best Low Interest Credit Cards
By Daniel Cohen
Low interest credit cards are a great choice if you feel that you are paying too high interest rates on your credit cards. If you want to lower your credit card debt, then you can consider getting a credit which has a low rate of interest. Here are some of the guidelines which you can take care of while you chose the best low interest credit card:
1. Maintain a good credit history: It is better if you keep a clean chit as far as your credit history is concerned. You should be making your credit card payments on time and not going over the limit with the credit line. If companies view you as a valued customer who knows to spend the credit card wisely, they will like to do more business with you. You can definitely tilt the deal to your side by asking for a credit card with a low rate of interest.
2. Ask for balance transfer cards: When you have a credit card or more with an outstanding balance at a high rate of interest, then you can find a balance transfer credit card as one of the best ways to reduce your interest rate. A balance transfer credit card helps you to transfer the balance from the credit card with the higher rate of interest on to this card, so that you pay less as interest. However you should bear in mind that the balance transfer credit cards have an introductory rate of interest, after which the interest rate can shoot up to a regular APR. Make sure that you pay the transferred balance within the limited introductory period; otherwise it may not serve any purpose.
3. Read the credit card documentation: Most people think that the low rate credit card is for the keeps. You have to read the fine print and the credit card to double check on what you believe. The low rate of interest may be prevalent in the ‘promotional’ or the introductory period after which the interest rate can come to the regular APR.
4. Call the customer service department: If you are a good customer with the credit card company or an old customer, you can always call up the credit card customer service division and ask them to what extent they can lower your interest rate. In case the options that they give do not satisfy you, you can tell them that you wish to switch and go to another credit company. Your credit card will definitely not like to lose hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of business from you just for the sake of an interest rate. If you are paying your bills on time and keep your balance low, the credit card company will consider your demand and help you. All it takes is one phone call to lower the interest rate.
5. Research: You can do ample amount of research online and choose the credit card with the low rate of interest. The advantage of online research is that you can compare the benefits they offer and the rate of interest of different credit card companies and chose the one that appeal to you.
About the Author:
Daniel Cohen recommends Find Credit Cards for comparing the best low interest credit cards. See for more information.
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