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How to find your voice
By Daegan Smith



For every writer, finding his or her own voice is very essential. It is the identity, the personality, the very essence of a writer. And in the crowded writing market, clients are constantly looking for writers with their own voices. They will usually ignore all those voiceless writers that write stale and boring articles. What they are looking for is a fresh voice that would definitely get the readers' attention.

Simply put, your voice is your style, your tone, the fashion of writing you feel most comfortable with. Editors may or may not decide to buy your book because of it. Readers will either love or hate you for it.

A new writer should strive to find his or her own voice to be come a very. Once a writer finds his or her own voice it would already be easy to get published and earn money. What is a voce really? Well nobody can really define what a voice is. But once you will know once you found it.

Finding your voice can be a very long and complicated process. Most famous writers took years to find their voices. There are even workshops out there that promise to help you find your voice. But it is only you who could look for your voice.

What a new writer must do is to continue writing until they find their voice. And one day, youíll critique, your editor or your friend, while reading your piece will just say, ìHey youíve found your voice. ì

Below are a few tips on how a writer can find his or her voice.

Here are some tips to add your own voice to your writing.

1. Feel what you write. Or as more poetic writers would put it, write from the heart. Writers must be sensitive and must be constantly in touch with their feelings. They must their feelings, be it excitement, passion or anger to their advantage. In fact when you are feeling intense feelings that is usually the best time to find your voice. When you are feeling intense feeling, immediately grab a pencil or open your word processor and write away.

2. Be original. The mistakes of new writers is too simply copy what's been done by their idols or established writers in the business. Often, this is a result of not wanting to fail. But this is could also be the result of plain laziness of the writer. Try to write something new and original every time you write. If you write the same things over and over again, you will soon find out that even you will get tired of it. And if you get tired, just imagine what your clients and readers feel.

3. One good advice to writers is that they should write the same way as they speak. One of the best ways to do this is to listen to yourself talk by recording you voice. Transcribe the tape then compare it to your writing.

4. Edit then edit again. It is sometimes necessary to cut the pieces you have written in order to extract its essence of it. If you constantly distill your writing then what would come out of it is something that is distinctly yours.

5. Listen to your inner critic but not too much. Your inner critic can give beneficial advices but it can also be a hindrance to finding your real voice. So listen to him but don't let him interfere with your writing.

6. Open up. You should learn how to open when you are writing. Reveal yourself, your drams, hopes, fears, desires, etc. When the feeling of embarrassment has set in, then maybe its' your voce showing up.

7. Be very concrete. Being abstract is a mistake every new writer makes. You must remember to be as concrete as possible when writing. When you are describing an animal tell exactly what animal it is.

8. Don't be afraid to break the rules. Of course every writer knew the importance of good grammar and following its rules. But donít be afraid to brake the rules of writing once in a while. Use slang and contractions and begin sentences with and and but. But still stick to good grammar and always check your spelling, especially with proper nouns.

9. Write, write, write. This is probably the best advice a writer can get because it is in constant writing that your voice will emerge.

Now that you know how to find your voice, discovery will be so much easier. So what are you waiting for?

About the author:

Daegan Smith the owner of Net MLM Articles and the leader of the fastest growing team of successful home business enterpernuers on the net. Find out how we're creating financial freedom all across the globe and how to get in on the action FREE =>

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