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How To Get A Customer For Life...Guaranteed! Part1
By Roger Burke



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I knew it was a lousy translation--that's the problem with all such software, of course. Like canned laughter on a TV show, canned translation software is just too static, too rigid...just too stupid. The final result, if not unintentionally hilarious, can sometimes be downright embarrassing.

So, to lessen my guilt, I always put a rider on the web pages, thus: "Warning - this page translated by software only." I know that doesn't get me off the hook, but at least surfers will be prepared...

And, at the bottom I have an invitation (which I'll paraphrase): "The translation of this page sucks. If you'd like to help me make it right, I'll give you a free book and my eternal gratitude." The latter may not impress, but I hope always that some kindly soul will take pity on me, tweak a few too many words, and collect a freebie!

Oh, I know of many agencies that could do a job of translation, but, you's always so difficult to decide, isn't it? Besides, it costs...

Hence, imagine my surprise when I received an unsolicited email (well, whaddya know...unsolicited email that has value!), from a delightful person, enquiring whether I'd like to use the translated attachments as replacements for my French and Italian pages.

*Would* I like to use them? *Is the Pope Catholic, I ask you?* ;-) Even with *my* sketchy knowledge of French and Italian, I could see that what I'd been sent was far superior to the current pages.

The cost? Zip, nada, absolutely nothing! There was no request for payment of any kind, not even a request for my ebook, as reward! In fact, I'm sure - from subsequent emails - that my contact had not even considered it.

The whole motivation came down to this: a mutual, passionate interest in the same topic (and perhaps a desire to right a wrong).

Of course, I made sure that the ebook was dispatched quickly, together with a bonus for later on; that was the very *least* I could do. Happily, my ebook was greeted with appreciation and sincere congratulations: "It's a immense work you've done!! I'm really impressed. I am sure that it will be useful for me." Is there an eighth heaven? It felt like it, after *that* response!

I've also discovered that my contact is a professional translator--a long way from Australia, where I am--with expertise in other languages. And, I also know that I have other pages and ebooks that I've been wanting to have translated.

Guess where I'll be going to get the job done, if possible...;-)

From my perspective--as a potential customer--my contact's approach was perfect for marketing the translation service.
But, I don't know of course, whether that was a factor in my contact's thinking.

But, y'know...I don't care at all, even if it *was*, because I've "found" gold.

Roger Burke has been involved with computers since 1967, and has managed to break quite a few, over the years. He, and his wife Sherry, are now actively engaged in online self-publishing and promoting specific affiliate programs at . If you have any comments or questions about this article, please send emails to .
Copyright 2001, Online-Wealth. All rights reserved.

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