Whether you are planning to buy your Foosball Table from the Internet or from a local store, the following tips will help you to get the best deal when it comes to buying your foosball table. Most importantly, don't just arrive at a store and pick out whichever table catches your eye first. There are major concerns that need considerable attention when looking for a foosball table. Following this guide can help you to ensure that you get more than just any old table, but one that is tailored for you and will give you maximum enjoyment for years to come.
1. Foosball Players
The people that must be first consulted when it comes to the choice foosball table are of course its players. Do they have specific preferences? If it's you who's going to be one of the most frequent players on that table, by all means, list what you want with your table. You can start with your favorite color. If it's not you who's going to play the foosball mostly, then consider the players' height, age and hand strength level.
2. Safety Concerns
If it will be the children who will mostly use the foosball table, safety should be one of the major considerations you have. There are tables with traditional solid rods that go through the sidewalls. These can poke the children's faces if they are not that tall. In this case, telescopic rods are more advised since they are safer to use and they can also be maneuvered more easily.
3. Feel of Play
This is commonly known as playability or how the players can maneuver the rods and play figures easily to efficiently control the movements of the ball in successfully obstructing the defence of the other player and doing various tricks. These can be manipulated through the following design details:
- gap between the playing field and the tip of the foot - footshape and its front and back and its both sides' surface - weight of the rods - markers on the pitch - ease of gripping the handles - lubrication - coverage overlap of the playing figures - field and ball surface - ball material
4. User-Friendliness
Hear are the other indispensable foosball table features that should provide more ease for the players:
Figures' balanced weight They should be placed easily in a horizontal position so that their feet do not block the shots from the back field
Field's side slopes on boths sides This will allow the ball to roll off towards the center to make the ball not get stuck on the side.
Sturdiness of the Table and the Durability of the Parts How will you enjoy playing with the foosball table if it is damaged easily or when the table is rocking while you are playing?
Aesthetic Impact Never buy a foosball table just to have something entertaining in your house. It should be a distinct artistic centerpiece in your game room. The style and paint color of the room you are planning to embellish with a foosball table should be given some thought.
7. Budget
Setting a budget will further encourage you to look for the best deal when it comes to looking for that quality foosball table for you and your playmates. Shopping around will be one of the best way to get more from your money. Brands should not fool you. Research more on the foosball table that catches your eye and that agrees with your budget.
8. Resell Value
If you are buying one foosball table in the hope that in the near future you can resell it at a higher price, you will surely not opt for the lower end types of these game tables. Auction sites and foosball table sellers may be consulted to be better armed if you are planning to resell your foosball table.
About the Author:
For more great foosball related articles and resources check out http://foosballtables.rechq.com
Source: www.isnare.com