"I've lost my mojo!"
Do you ever feel that way in your home business? Do you often start projects with boundless energy then fizzle out quickly? Do you need some ideas on how to get motivated again for your business?
How To Get Motivated For Business
-> Review your "why".
If you haven't done this already, try to make 100 goals for yourself. This is a work in progress and may take you several weeks to finish, but do start the process. You need to have a bunch of things that motivate you to accomplish your goals when the going gets tough or when your progress is slower than you might like.
-> Spend 20 minutes a day focusing on your goals.
Now that you have your goals written down, spend 10 minutes twice a day, preferably first thing in the morning and last thing at night, reviewing them. Visualize yourself as having accomplished those goals, and let yourself feel the emotions. Act "as if". This can be one of the most powerful things you ever do to get and stay motivated for your business.
-> Hang out with motivated people.
Avoid people who are negative and who drain your energy as much as possible. Sometimes this is unavoidable, but do try to minimize contact with those types of people, especially when your own motivation is low. Instead, actively seek out motivated people. These might be friends or they might be business peers. One great place to find motivated successful people is at the home business mentors Mom Masterminds.
-> Celebrate your successes
Sometimes we get so caught up in growing our businesses that we forget to celebrate the little achievements. That small affiliate check, a new page added to a web site, an unsolicited, glowing testimonial about your product, etc. Keep a log of all the little things that happen in your business and review them when you need to get motivated again.
-> Imagine the Worst
Ask yourself "What will happen if I don't accomplish my goals?" Sometimes that fear of looking and feeling like a failure will snap you out of your low period and get you motivated.
-> Give yourself a deadline for slack time
Everyone has slumps, and sometimes the best thing you can do during those times is to take some time off to regroup, so that you can come back to your business refreshed and motivated again. Just be sure to set a deadline for yourself. Give yourself a day or two or whatever period of time feels comfortable to slack off, and then get back to work! You'll probably find that you have no trouble getting motivated again as your energy increases.
About the Author:
Carrie Lauth is a work at home Mom of 4 who enjoys helping other Moms learn how to build their businesses online. For your free help, go to http://www.business-moms-expo.com and sign up for the "No Fluff" newsletter.
Source: www.isnare.com