Copyright 2009-2015 Mary Desaulniers
It has been 8 weeks since I started Bill Harris' Holosync
Awakening Prologue. And I must say that I have been pleasantly
surprised by the results. I was not looking for gut-wrenching
changes in my personality. After all I am, on the whole, quite
even in temperament. Like most folks, I am happy, confident and
secure most of the time.
What attracted me to Bill Harris' program initially was the fact
that his promises did not carry the usual sales pitch. He did
not promise that all your dreams would materialize with the use
of his product. Nor did he say that you would become infinitely
wealthy or successful or that all your desires would be made
manifest. What he did promise was that
a) you would become more happy, more tranquil;
b) you would improve your brain power--increase in learning
ability, memory, intuition, creativity and concentration;
c) you would experience remarkable improvement in spiritual and
emotional health;
d) you would ( if you follow through with the 12 levels of the
program until the end) develop the brain state of a Zen Buddhist
It was this last promise--that I can have the mind and brain
state of a Zen Buddhist monk-- that really intrigued me. So I
ordered the initial program--the Awakening Prologue online.
So far, 8 weeks into the program ( meditating 1 hour a day with
Holosync), I have noticed
a)a remarkable ability on my part to focus on my work( writing),
b)increased creativity and productivity,
c)a deep, deep sense of happiness that wells up several times
during the course of the day.
But what has been for me the most profound change is the ease
with which I seem to enter a meta-consciousness, an "other" me
looking at myself and all that happens to me in a detached,
witnessing manner. It's as though I am able to enter an altered
state that prevents me from judging or reacting with blind
emotions. I am watching my response( whether it be joy, anger,
annoyance) as though it were someone else's , another reality,
not mine. And the benefit of this detachment is the ability not
to be aroused unnecessarily by circumstance.
Well, you are probably wondering, what is Holosync and how does
it work?
In its simplest form, Holosync is meditation through
neurotechnology. It is based on the work of Dr. Gerald Oster
whose research into the effects of sound waves on brain wave
patterns led to his use of sound to create desired electrical
patterns in the brain, including those of a Zen Buddhist monk
who has been meditating for over 20 years. Studies have shown
that these monks have unusually balanced and synchronized whole
brains, developed through years of focusing by repeating a
prayer or mantra. The repetitive practice of meditation has
created new neural pathways in their brains allowing them to
experience the ineffable sense of oneness and connectedness so
typical of spiritual experiences.
Instead of merely duplicating these brain wave patterns, Harris
chose to view the entire Holosync meditation process as
evolutionary which means that the brain is pushed by
progressively stronger stimulus to develop new structures and
new thresholds. And it is this search for stronger stimulus that
led Harris to the use of progressively lower frequency carriers
to push the brain to higher levels of organization .
Using the analogy of a runner, Harris explains the uniqueness of
his meditation process in this way:
"Once the brain finished creating the pathways needed to handle
the first set of frequencies we originally gave it, evolution
would stop. We would be like a runner who could never increase
his run to two, three or more miles.
"In terms of the running analogy I've used, lowering the carrier
frequency is like adding more miles to your run. On the other
hand, the meditative brainwave pattern caused by the beat
frequency the brain creates in reconciling the Holosync tones
corresponds to how fast you run. Slowing the brain wave from
beta to alpha to theta to delta is like running increasingly
faster. By allowing us to run faster and farther, carrier
frequency allowed us to really push the brain to change."
The technology behind Holosync is part of a new revolution in
neuroscience which sees brain wave entrainment as a means to
enhanced brain power, health and longevity. Research now shows
that the endorphins released when the brain is exposed to alpha
and theta binaural beat patterns enhance many mental functions
such as learning and memory. A recent study by Dr. Vincent
Giampapa M.D. revealed that placing a listener in the various
brain wave patterns using Holosync audio technology dramatically
affects three hormones related to longevity and well-being. He
found the following changes in levels of melatonin, DHEA and
cortisol in 19 users of Holosync listening 4 hours a day over a
3 day period:
a)Over 68% had increases in DHEA ( the hormone that acts as a
buffer against stress and aging) levels with an average increase
of 43.77%.
b)Cortisol, the stress hormone , was down an average of 46.47%,
with positive changes in 68% of the people.
c)Levels of melatonin, the hormone associated with restful
sleep, increased an average of 97.77% with positive changes
detected in over 73% of the participants.
The entire process of moving through the 12 levels of Holosync
would take 7 years. This is really quite encouraging considering
that a normal Buddhist monk would take 20 years or more of
intense meditation to arrive at this level. For me, the die is
cast. I am committed to the entire program; even the 7 year
engagement is seductive because it tells me that this is not a
simple exercise in magic, but a lifelong commitment to mind and
spiritual development.
About the author:
A runner for 27 years, retired schoolteacher and writer, Mary is
now doing what she loves--running, writing, helping people
reclaim their bodies. Nutrition, exercise, positive vision and
purposeful engagement are the tools used to turn their bodies
into creative selves. You can subscribe to Mary's newsletter by
contacting her at or
visit her at