"Please -- Pretty Please!! I really, really want to do this."
From the sounds of things you'd think a parent and a child were
in "one of those" arguments. But it's really a wife trying to
persuade her husband to let her work from home. Getting your
husband to back your home business can, at times, be as
hazardous as those black diamond ski slopes.
This past week there has been a very active discussion on one of
the work-at-home mom listservs about how to get support from a
husband who isn't even close to being thrilled about your home
business idea. Here are a few answers.
Men are getting very comfortable with the two income situations
that women have begged to have for many years now. When mom and
dad are bringing in two checks every couple of weeks, the
pressure of keeping that job and worries of downsizing aren't
nearly as scary when they know their wife is helping with the
finances. The idea of mom staying home and starting a business
that may or may not make money any time soon is enough to turn a
man white with fear.
If your husband is one of those who has reservations about you
wanting to come home and hang out your shingle, start by showing
him a couple facts.
· Who will love and raise your children more? Mom or another
caretaker? Here is an interesting fact: a child's self-concept
is formed by the age of seven years old. Most caregivers, while
they may enjoy children, cannot give a mother's love. More and
more studies are being done on the importance of young children
having that hourly contact with mom.
· Now look at your paychecks minus expenses. There is a
wonderful book called, "Two Incomes and Still Broke: It's Not
How Much You Make, but How Much You Keep," By Linda Kelley.
There are exercises in this book that can help you figure what
you and your husband, both working outside the home, are
actually making each month. Some couples even find they are
losing money because of daycare costs, taxes, commuting, etc. To
get a better idea of what those costs would be visit:
· One lady I've talked with, lets call her Sue, told me that if
a woman ever came up against a husband who would not let her
start her home business -- do it anyway. This is something Sue
had experienced when she started her home business. Doing
something on your own is very liberating, and some men hate the
fact that you aren't depending on them 100% of the time. Don't
get into a power struggle with him, show him often that you
still love him and need him, and hopefully he will come around.
Sue has continued her business from home and her husband is
finally supportive of her. Well, maybe not 100% of the time --
but it's close enough.
Don't be afraid to get your husband involved with your business.
The fact is -- a home business takes time to grow. For awhile,
your husband will be the only financial support for the family.
Your home business will need to turn into a team effort. Make
sure he's not afraid to tell people what you do and what type of
services or products you offer. Word of mouth will be your best
form of advertisement. The more people there are talking up your
business, the sooner your business will grow into a successful,
money-making, home-based endeavor.
If starting a home business is your dream, getting your
husband's approval will be one of many road blocks. Don't let
these types of situations get you down. Press on and turn your
home business dream into a reality.
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About the author:
Liz Folger is the founder of http://www.bizymoms.com.
Bizymoms.com is the leading online resource for work-from-home
ideas. The site offers home-based business start-up kits, online
classes, e-books, chats and enthusiastic support for moms who
want to have it all - a family and a career. Visit
http://www.bizymoms.com for more information.