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How To Harness The Awesome, Unstoppable Power Of Persistence In 4 Easy Steps
By Murray Hughes



The Awesome, Unstoppable Power Of Persistence

Never underestimate the power of persistence!

If you persist you really cannot fail.

While you may fail many times along the way, you have not
truly failed until you accept failure. However, if you are
truly persistent, failure is a clear indication you are
getting closer to success.

How can that be?

Because with each failure comes very valuable knowledge. The
knowledge of what DOESN'T work, (this is the basic premise
of testing).

Acknowledge failure brings you a step closer to success and
you will never look at it the same way again.

Do you have a light in your house? Of course you do. Do have
a light in your car? Of course you do. Do you see them in
the street, in the shops, airports, hospitals, restaurants,
etc, etc? Yes, they are everywhere.

Well, the electric light was borne from one man's
irresistible persistence to invent what many said was

It wasn't easy, thousands of times he failed....thousands!!
How many people make it past 3 failures? Most give up after
only one. Plenty never even try.

But Thomas A. Edison, the creator of the incandescent light,
took each of those failures in his stride.

With the knowledge of what DOESN'T work, each failure took
him a step closer to changing the entire world!

We only want to get rich. A much, much easier task.

If persistence can change the world, imagine what it can do
for you.

Persistence can be developed through 4 simple steps.

Are you ready?

Pay close attention, these are life skills you should
embrace deep within your psyche...practice them whenever
you want to rise above your present dilemma...teach them to
your children.

The 4 Steps to Developing Persistence

Step 1
Have a definite goal fueled by a burning desire to achieve

Step 2
Have a definite plan and continually work at it.

Step 3
Close your mind against all negativity. Do not think about
or be discouraged by the negative comments that may come
from family, friends and acquaintances.

Step 4
Form a friendship with one or more people who will encourage
you to follow through with your plan and achieve your

There my friend is the kind of thing we should be taught in
schools. How different might your life be if you embraced
that as a child.

Personally, I was never taught to persist. Whenever the
going got tough I quit.

After years of underachievement, poverty and unhappiness I
knew my life philosophy wasn't working. I decided if I ever
wanted things to change I needed to change.

So I set about discovering the laws of life known by the
very rich and the very happy.

The 4 Steps to Developing Persistence are among the most

Here's how they can apply to you:

Step 1
Have a definite goal backed by a burning desire to achieve

- I'm guessing you want to be rich. If you do commit
yourself to achieving that goal you are half way there.
Read my '7 Secret Steps To Success' article once you have
finished this one.

Step 2
Have a definite plan and continually work at it.

- You must have a plan because without one you are treading
water. How many people do you know have goals?

Probably not many, I know because I asked a lot of the
people around me what their goals were and most of them
just went "...aahhh....dunno".

That's the kind of aimlessness that will see you doing the
same unrewarding job for the next 15 years.

Step 3
Close your mind against all negativity. Do not think about
or be discouraged by the negative comments that may come
from family, friends and acquaintances.

- If you know someone who has a habit of discouraging you,
don't tell them what you are doing or what your goals are.
Wait until you're having some success and then tell them.

Anything they have to say then will either no longer apply
or will be seen for what it is:
-- An attempt to stop you from rising above the position in
life they would prefer to see you occupy! --

Step 4
Form a friendship with one or more people who will encourage
you to follow through with your plan and achieve your

- If you know people of similar mind then that is fantastic,
spend time with them, soak up their positivity.

If not, don't worry because you do not necessarily need to
form a personal relationship. Encouragement from the great
minds and achievers of our time can be found in books,
tapes and CD's.

Jim Rohn is very good, others are Anthony Robbins and
Napoleon Hill.

Persistence is a necessary ingredient in any achievement.
Obviously it must be, because if you didn't persist you
would never finish anything.

The degree of your persistence is actually proportional to
the size of the achievement.

It has been a defining characteristic of some of the
greatest men and women to ever walk our planet.


By Murray G. Hughes

About the Author

Learn how to easily build your own Internet marketing
business from the ground up from a long-time marketer
giving away his experience for nothing. A Warehouse of
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