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HOME >> How To Have An Above Average IQ Score



How To Have An Above Average IQ Score
By Steven Gillman



Want to have an above average IQ score? There are many things you can do. Here a few of the easiest.

What is the average IQ score? In theory the tests are designed so that half the population will score below 100 and half above, and are scored according to age of the test taker. Here is a breakdown of IQ scores in the typical population:

130 or higher:  2.2% of the population.

120-129: 6.7% of the population.

110-119: 16.1% of the population.

90-109 (Average): 50% of the population.

80-89: 16.1% of the population.

70-79: 6.7% of the population.

Below 70: 2.2% of the population.

Three Steps To An Above Average IQ Score

Is it possible for anyone to have an above average IQ score? Not likely. If you start at 70, for example, it would be tough to ever score over 100. The good news is that most people can raise their score somewhat from wherever they start. Here are three ways to do it:

1. Be a better test taker. Go through the test quickly. Skip over questions you aren't sure about, and return to them later. It's always better on a timed test to answer all the easy questions first. That way you don't eave several questions unanswered just because you spent too much time trying to get the answer to a tough one.

Always answer every question on multiple choice tests. When in doubt, first eliminate the answers that you know or suspect are incorrect, and then choose one of the remaining. If you eliminate two of four answers on a number of questions, you'll get half of those questions right on average.

2. Have the right conditions in place. Get good sleep before the test, breath deeply through your nose, and sit up straight. These are shown to improve performance on almost any test. Eat fish too. Recent studies show that eating fish speeds up brain waves and increases concentration.

If you're allowed music, make it Mozart. If you can't have music during the test, listen to it just before. In one study, subjects who listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448 for ten minutes before an IQ test scored nine points higher. Do whatever you can to have your body and mind ready for the test.

3. Exercise your brain. This is a longer term strategy that assumes you can actually permanently improve your brain function and intelligence, and thus increase your average IQ score. It's a safe assumption in my experienceFree Web Content, and no harm will come from the effort.

One final tip. It is my experience that my score is higher on an IQ test the second or third time I take it. Why not practice by taking an online test the day before your scheduled test? I wouldn't be surprised if this bumps up the average IQ score by a point or two.


Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower and related topics for years. For more on IQ Tests, brain exercises, and to get the Brain Power Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:

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