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HOME >> How To Joint Venture With The Gurus



How To Joint Venture With The Gurus
By Ash Trivedi



Copyright 2005 Ash Trivedi

One of the best methods for getting the word out about your product and making a lot of sales in a short amount of time is with Joint Ventures. These joint ventures or "JV's" can take-on many different forms. Some are as simple as promoting each other's newsletters, while others may be more complex partnerships with cross-promoting of complimentary products. Joint Ventures are a powerful tool for expanding business in many areas. So, what is stopping 'you' from using this technique to expand your business? For many new marketers, starting a JV can be a frightening task, especially when it comes to contacting other marketers. Too often, many marketers appear to be "spamming," when they are really just seeking other JV partners. There is a correct way about finding joint venture partners and getting them to say yes to your proposal. Here's a few tips to get you started right away.

Don't use a template style letter and email all potential partners with that letter. Take the time to visit their site and make personal comments about it in your proposal. Let your future J.V partner know that you have taken the time to contact him/her personally.

There are joint venture networks out there that can save you a lot of time emailing and not get you accused of spam. You could visit sites like J.V and (that site requires an invite, so I've given you one in that link)

So now you've got access to a massive network of heavy hitters and guru marketers. What you need to do is write the best proposal possible and really over deliver for your partners. This will make your proposal stand out over everyone else's. Here's a few tips you can use;

If you have a product or service, let your j.v partners have it for free. Let them know that as j.v partners they can have your product for a free review. Without offering them a free review you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who is willing to endorse a product to their list which may have taken them years to build a relationship with. Just by giving your product away for free to a couple of people you open up the gates for thousands of potential customers. If you have an affiliate program in place, offer your potential partners a higher commission rate rather than simply paying the standard affiliate rate. Make them feel special. Lastly, don't give up. If you can't for whatever reason join a joint venture network and you have to go emailing future partners one by one, this can get very tiring. Especially when all you may keep hearing is "no" or you get no reply at all. Well, just remember that you may have heard 100 "no's", but it only takes one "yes" from a heavy hitter to sky rocket your profits. Be patient and it will happen.
About the Author

Ash Trivedi is an online marketer who's created partnerships with multi-national companies and small businesses alike. Visit for an opportunity to j.V with the gurus guru Mike G as a gift from Ash

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