Having a computer means you have to update it, but if you update
anything, it should be the memory. Memory is the cheapest
component to buy, and it is the easiest to install. Here are
some ways to know if you need more memory.
When you have more than 5 windows running programs and then you
notice that your computer slows down or the machine crashes,
more memory can help you.
If you have your computer running for about 10 hours and then
you get a message in the task bar that says Windows memory is
low, then you must get more memory.
If you use more then one browser window when surfing the web or
tab browse using Firefox and you notice a slow down, you need
more memory.
Another common way to tell that you need more memory is that
when you are running a Window XP game, the game slows down, and
then speeds up again, then slows and freezes. Most games will
tell you on the side of the box what the minimum amount of
memory required is to run the game without any problems. It's
best to get more than the minimum.
If you're still running Window 98 or any other kind of Windows
and want to upgrade to Windows XP, you must have a certain
amount of memory for the computer to run correctly. To find out
how much memory is needed for Windows XP call your computer
store, or run a search on Microsoft's website and it will tell
you the exact amount you will need.
If you do not know how much memory you currently have in your
computer right now, go Pcpitstop.com and run a scan on your
computer, this site will tell you how much memory you currently
have and will give you ratings. A red flag, means that you have
a problem that must to taken care of soon as possible. A yellow
flag means that you have a problem, but you do not have to worry
about it too much and a chequered flag means that it's in great
condition. This site will give you other information about your
computer, not just about the memory.
If you want to buy more memory, just go to any computer store
and tell them the make and model of your computer and tell them
how much memory you want. If you used Pcpitstop.com and had a
yellow or red flag for memory, get the amount of memory that the
site recommended. Some stores will install the memory for you
for a fee, but you can install it yourself, because it is easy -
just read your computer's instructions.
If you want you can go to Google and search on "memory" or try
Ebay to get memory for a good price. All you have to do is type
in what sort of memory you would like and decide if you want new
or used memory.
Memory can help speed up your computer and make it work better,
so consider buying some more for your computer.
About the author:
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Computer Memory