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Lose belly fat with a natural fruit juice from Sout East Asia. The Mangosteen fruit has the highest concentrationof Xanthones from any one source which can help melt off belly fat. Without effective natural medicine, the Battle of the Bulge is almost impossible for most of us. We try the usual dieting and exercise, but it's very discouraging when months go by and nothing changes. Don't be discouraged though, there have been some very encouraging discoveries in natural medicine lately regarding nutrition and how to lose belly fat. Also the subject of inflammation is hot right now and it seems that certain basic common denominators are coming to light that can help solve many problems at once with natural medicine. Lose Belly Fat by Eating Properly Dr. Nicholas Perricone is a prominent leader in the field of natural medicine and has had some impressive results with his work on inflammation. He discovered that eating low glycemic foods combined with proper supplementation helps to boost your energy, improve memory & cognitive function, solve a variety of health problems and generally make you look and feel better. His natural medicine approach also helps you lose belly fat! He talks about the "Brain and Skin" connection and says improving one also improves the other. He suggests there are natural medicine "Super Foods" that will boost your nutrient intake. He says to shop for the "Rainbow" foods. It's easy to find them, just look for a variety of colors in your foods, like blueberries, strawberries, bell peppers, deep green vegetables, oranges, lemons and so on. A good protein to include is wild salmon. Another valuable guide you can use is the Glycemic Index found here http://www.glycemicindex.com Go to the "GI data base" to find the foods you can safely eat that are under 50 on the glycemic scale. It would be advisable to do a little research to understand why low glycemic foods are the natural medicine that will help you lose belly fat. There are important factors to understand like how fast the sugar is released into your blood stream, controlling insulin levels, why your body stores fat when you eat high glycemic foods. The Natural Medicine Super Food Secret There is one more thing you need to know that is not mentioned in either Dr Perricone's book nor at the Glycemic Index Website. Recently, an amazing exotic fruit the Mangosteen has become the darling of scientists and naturalists alike It turns out this fruit contains over 40 of the most potent anti-oxidants known to science and natural medicine right now. Xanthones Seen as the most potent anti-oxidants known right now, this class of nutrients is being hailed as the newest breakthrough in natural medicine. The potential for numerous applications on a variety of body systems is very promising as the testimonials for a wide variety of ailments keeps pouring in. One nice benefit is the number of people who lose belly fat drinking Xango (Mangosteeen Juice). Natural Medicine and Weight Loss To tie this all together, eating low glycemic foods as recommended by Dr. Perricone and adding Mangosteen juice will accelerate your results. Why It Works A combination of low glycemic foods and an increase of nutrients will send a signal to your brain telling your body to release the stored fat. To do this effectively you need to be consistent with the food / nutrient signal and make sure you continue the program once you start seeing results from the natural medicine. You see, a lot of our nutrients are depleted over time because we can't manufacture them in our bodies, nor can we get enough natural medicine from our food. The North American Diet is not geared to nutrition, it is designed for flavor and profit. Fine for the manufacturers, bad for those of us who don't study our consumption habits. Start Here The first place to start is to get the most nutrient dense natural medicine possible. Lower your high glycemic intake, increase your nutrient intake and start exercising a little to lose belly fat. Your most important source of natural medicine will be from Mangosteen juice. Why? Go through the link below to read about what's in the Mangosteen juice and why so many people are getting such incredible results from this natural medicine. It has been proven that increasing your nutrient intake (beyond a critical level) will increase your metabolism and allow your body to lose belly fat. Once you start drinking Xango (tm) juice made from Mangosteen you should start seeing results within two or three weeks. Add the low glycemic diet and you'll accelerate the fat loss. If you have a way to measure results be sure to record before and after. That way you can report exact details from this natural medicine