HOME >> How To Make A Grubby Prim Star Ornament
YOURIMAGEHERE3How To Make A Grubby Prim Star Ornament
Making a grubby ornament for the holidays is fun and only takes a short while to finish. Painting and stuffing are two parts of this
craft project kids love to participate in. The paint used is non-toxic, so it is safe to let children join in and share the fun.
What you will need:
* 1 primitive star template/pattern no bigger than 6 x 6
Step One: Trace star pattern onto one of the muslin squares.
Step Two: Overlay muslin squares with edges matched up in preparation for sewing, making sure the pattern is on top facing you. Pin squares in place if needed.
Step Three: Straight stitch on machine or by hand following the pattern outline, leaving about 1 1/2 inches left open somewhere between the bottom two points. Cut out star 1/4 inch from seam.
Step Four: Set up paints, rags, and container of water in preparation for painting.
Step Five: If scenting your ornament, set aside a few drops of fragrance oil in a small dish or container.
Step Six: Turn your sewn ornament inside out through the open hole and lay flat onto the cookie sheet for painting. (I use a cookie sheet with a lip around it so no water or paint gets on the table)
Step Seven: Ah, time to paint. Start with your base color: Warm White. Paint front and back sides this color, making sure to get the seams too. When satisfied with the color saturation, Add quick splashes of Country Twill here and there to give it that aged grubby look. Do this to both sides. If you want an even grubbier look, add some Coffee Bean colored paint or even a burnt sienna to some of the points and inside the seams.
Painting Notes: You will want to thin out your paints
*If you are scenting your ornie, dip your fan brush into the oil. Wipe any excess off on the rim or your container. Lightly brush oil over both sides of your painted ornament.
Step Eight: After you have finished painting, lift your ornament
from the sheet and set out flat to dry. Lay it out on a surface
that is easy to clean or disposable.
Step Nine: Once the ornie is dry, carefully prod open with a
stuffing tool-- I use hemostats for prying and stuffing. Then
Step Ten: Carefully fold the edges of the opening in to close the seam. Close with a blanket stitch and continue blanket stitching
around entire outer edge of the ornament.
Step Eleven: Sitch a loop onto the back of the ornament if you wish to hang it.
Step Twelve: Using Fabric or other crafters glue, add a 1 inch rusty tin heart to the center of your star. Stitching a homespun bow is another cute and quick option.
For more seasonal craft ideas and to view examples of this and other grubby prim ornaments, visit The Pitchy Patch, your place for country primitives, folk patterns and crafts all year round.
Pattern instructions and original grubby prim star ornament design
by Anne Marie Champagne of The Pitchy Patch. All Rights Reserved 2005.
Anne Marie Champagne is the founder and main artisan of The Pitchy Patch ~ Country Primitives. She studied fine arts at CCS in Detroit but later turned her attention to traditional arts and crafts. Her interest in primitive folk art began with knitting and weaving and progressed to sewing and traditional rug hooking. She lives in the Ozarks of northwest Arkansas with her husband and two children. |