Dear fellow reader. My name is Gerardo Flores, today I will be sharing with you some ideas you can use to make some money online without having to build or buy a website. I am sure you will find some of the information valuable and useful.
So how do we make money online without a website? With affiliate programs of-course. But with the thousands of options out there, how do you choose the right one? It’s like finding a needle in a hay stack. It’s crazy ! However you can narrow your search a little bit by finding an affiliate program with products that are of interest to you.
How do you know if an affiliate program is right for you? Well, what kind of products would you like to serve? You can choose from digital products, to vitamins, to books, to just about anything you can think of. I would start with finding out what product I would like to move. For example one of the affiliate programs I promote is informational products. Like many experts say, “If you are not sold on the product you’re selling, don’t expect people to buy into your product?” You’ll be wasting your precious time and money if you don’t believe in the product you sell. So find a product that you like and people will like it too.
When searching for your affiliate program, try to answer some of these questions; What kind of promotional tools does your affiliate program offer you? Do they give you sample text ads, or solo ads, maybe banner ads? What kind of support do they give you? Do they have a members forum to answer questions that you might have? How does the compensation plan work? Do they give you a referral bonus? And most importantly, how long has the company been in business? These questions should be answered as you look for your affiliate program.
Now that you found the right company, you need to move the products. This is where your promotional tools that your company gave you come in handy (assuming they gave you promotional tools). The easiest way to promote your company is through solo ads.
Solo ads vary in price, they range from $15 up to $1,000 depending on the size of their list. I would start small, with a least expensive ad. And after you make some money you can invest some (or all) your profits in more expensive solo ads. Don’t underestimate the profit-pulling power of solo ads. If you have a good sale copy you can make some serious money using solo ads.
Make money with “joint ventures”. Joint Ventures can be pretty profitable. First of all you will need to establish a friendship with some webmasters. A lot of these webmasters will have a huge list of subscribers and if you befriend them you can ask permission to send an ad to his list of subscribers, that is of-course if you are willing to share some of the profits with the webmaster. And can be anywhere from 50/50, 30/70, or whatever you guys agree on.
If you have a big enough pocket you can advertise with banner ads. Webmasters will charge you, the price depends on the amount of traffic that website gets on a daily or monthly basis. However, if you did have a website some webmasters are willing to exchange or swap a banner or a text ad. So make some friends with webmasters.
Well ladies and gentlemen, this is going to end today’s lesson. However don’t let the size of this article limit the many ways to make money online with out a website. There are many other ways also, but I wanted to share the basics to get you started. Until next time good luck and best wishes.
Gerardo Flores
About the Author:
Gerardo Flores is author of the articles “How to get rich!” and “5 simple steps to building a massive opt-in list” and can help you build a profitable internet business even if you don’t know anything about computers. For more info visit: