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HOME >> How to Make those Work at Home Ideas Profitable! (Part II)



How to Make those Work at Home Ideas Profitable! (Part II)
By Harrold Swalve



Start using those keywords you have found in the previous article and learn how to turn your work at home ideas in to profit pulling web sites.

During the past two weeks I have not only shown you how to find those money making ideas, you have also learned the basic steps to use those ideas and convert them to start selling your own info product. I did mention in my last article that creating your own info product was option #1.

Today you will learn all the basics for option #2.

Work at Home Ideas Option #2 - Setting up your own web site.

Use the keywords you have found before, to set up your own web site and sell all sorts of affiliate products.

Let's say that one of your main keywords is "remote control car" at the time of writing this article there where more than 20.000 searches through Yahoo which means it has potential. With a search at and it shows that there are plenty of complimentary keywords to build a solid web site with traffic potential.

Do a search at for "remote control car affiliate programs" and you can see that there are enough company's to fill your new web site with affiliate links. By a domain name with your keywords in there and you are ready to go.

So, lets start building that web site.

The easiest way to do this is with a program called xsitepro, which is available at it does require a small investment but that is money well spent. Without any knowledge of HTML you will still be able to build a complete search engine optimized web site within a day.

You need to build several pages with every single page optimized for one particular keyword to do with remote control. You can easily fill these pages with one article, either written by yourself, or by hiring somebody to write them for you. With xsitepro you can place your affiliate links and google ads on every single page automatically through the standard page format. In the future when you change a link there it will be updated on every single page of your web site.

Now just get a few pages filled with automated RSS feeds as I described in one of my previous articles which can be found at

That's it, your web site is build, just set up a linkmanagement system, exchange links, write articles and submit them at several article directories and you will start seeing visitors coming to your site within a couple of days.

One last tipIf you would like your site to be indexed fast by the search engines, find a weblog with a high page rank, place a comment on one of the articlesPsychology Articles, include a link to your web site and there you go.

Yet another way to benefit from those work at home ideas which you learned previously.

To read back on the previous articles just go to

Harrold Swalve is a published author and successful online entrepreneur. He owns the Work at Home Job Resource Center To learn more about work at home issues and get those burning questions answered just visit his forum at

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