When you're learning about something new, it's easy to feel
overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information
available. This informative article about sales copy should help
you focus on the central points.
Do you actually know that your sales can be multiplied by two,
three or even ten times than it is currently? There are many
ways to "beautify" you sales copy for higher conversions.
Sometimes, one minor change can inflict a significant impact
while other times, multiple changes will only bear little or
even no results.
Nevertheless, it's hard to tell until you run a test for your
conversions personally. Before you apply various changes, it's
best that you carefully review each of these 7 steps and most
importantly, apply them.
1. Make your site pleasing to the eyes. As website design gets
better and better, people focus on giving the website more
flashy looks, have all sorts of multimedia and colors all over
the website. Well if that is a community website it might work,
and even bring in tons and tons of people to visit the site
Nevertheless, what you have is a sales copy. The best direct
sales copy is to have only one page. Don't question why, but a
sales copy with 1 page does 10 times better than the one with
more, it's that big of a difference. Keep the background white
so people focus on your words. It's all about the words that you
define if the sales copy pulls in 5 sales, 50 sales, or 500
2. Have your sales copy attractive and enticing. You can boost
your sales copy along the way with tons and tons of copywriting
strategies. But the basic ones: always mention the benefits
heavily. Pile the benefits, one after another, giving the
visitors no chance to have their eyes lifted of.
That's the most important secret of copywriting, to have your
visitors glued to what you have to say, right to the end until
the order button. If they sense that they have been glued to
what you have to say, it must be something worthy to buy, that's
There are several other strategies, to name some: have your most
ultimate benefits on the front of your copy, reveal your
benefits in priority - get it to your headline, write a good
story, and get the visitors excited to read another sentence,
over and over again, much, much more.
It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the
subject of salescopy. What you learn may give you the confidence
you need to venture into new areas.
3. Give your offer a boost. Basically, you want to give an offer
that represents terrific value for your target audience. Instead
of dropping your price, you should raise the value of it. Add
many more attractive and targeted offers that goes along with
your main product, that gives people the feel of, "wow, I don't
need to go further for these stuff because someone even prepared
it for me Free," and it solves the worry of doing more work.
People are born naturally with laziness - we want to do
everything as quick as possible and would even pay more money to
get something solved. Use these little affections in life in
your sales copy - it's how a great sales copy is put together.
4. Have your sales copy easy to be read, digested, and
understood. Did you notice that when you see sales copy that are
long and bundled up, you leave it because you're not interested
to continue reading further? It somehow links together with
human's nature of laziness, people just don't want to read long
passages. In short, modify lengthy sentences into small
segments, and break them up into small paragraphs.
You can forget the correct use of grammar. As long as you spell
words correctly and keep them personalized, it'll be good. Bold,
underline, and italicize, or highlight your sales copy, make
certain benefits stand out, powering up everything you can.
5. Put yourself in your visitors' shoe If you're not carried
away with your own sales copy, your visitors' wouldn't be as
well. Load your web pages, see what catches your eyes, see what
doesn't, and improve more and more.
Make sure your web page loads fast, people are usually impatient
and will not be satisfied if they need to wait for a long time.
So check out your sales copy today, and apply these strategies
down. If done correctly, voila, you've got increased conversion
in sales, and that means more money rushing into the bank!
You can't predict when knowing something extra about salescopy
will come in handy. If you learned anything new about salescopy
in this article, you should file the article where you can find
it again.
About the author:
Seth Chong is the owner of IMViral, one of the largest,
greatest viral Internet Marketing Newsletter which is being
spread around the world, you can sign up for the
Newsletter(worths $297) for Free at http://www.IMViral.com