Being able to obtain an Equifax free credit report was not
always an easy thing to do. In fact, up until last year, only
Western states were able to solicit an Equifax free credit
report. But now all Americans have the opportunity to view their
credit reports; and this has dramatically increased Equifax's
The ruling to allow everyone the option of getting an Equifax
free credit report every year was a big step to make. However,
it seems to be working well and everyone is getting the chance
to view his or her credit report free of charge.
Equifax, however, only has to give you one free credit report a
year; and if you would like to receive another credit report,
then you have to pay more money. It will usually cost about
$3-$9, depending on where you live.
The only exception to this rule is for those who have been
denied either credit or a job or are on welfare or unemployed;
in this case, you will be given another Equifax free credit
report. But one option that really shows that these people care
is that if your Equifax free credit report was inaccurate due to
fraud, then they will send you another credit report free.
The Equifax free credit report is the best way to keep a yearly
check on your credit score. You will be able to see what has
happened in the year that has made it go down, or what has made
it go up. It may seem weird to know that your every move is
being taken down and written onto a piece of paper that you will
read once a year.
But that is what's happening, and even though it may seem
strange, there is nothing we can do to change it. But at least
we will know why we keep getting rejected for credit cards.
Talbert Williams ! All rights reserved.
About the author:
Talbert Williams offers debt consolidation, debt reduction,
credit card debt referrals and advice. For more information,
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