Irritated by too much credit card solicitation? Been receiving too much junk mail and too many unsolicited phone calls? This is a common scenario faced by many Americans. In fact, a recent research conducted by the Federal Trade Commission indicated that as many as 25 million adults in the country are victims of fraud.
Nevertheless, there are several approaches that you can take to prevent yourself from being a victim. Realizing the plight of many Americans, the Federal Trade Commission has set up the National No-Call Registry to allow consumers to register with them if they do not want to receive any solicitation over the phone. All consumers need to do is to complete an online form available at Once your name is in the registry, any company that utilizes telemarketing for solicitation will not be allowed to call you. This will be enforced within 31 days after you have registered.
If you are also receiving lots of junk mail with pre-approved credit through your mailbox, there are a few ways to put a stop to these relentless direct mailers. One of it is to visit, an official website belonging to the Consumer Credit Reporting Industry developed to help the public opt out from credit card or insurance offers. By registering here, you will be provided with the option to be opted out from any direct mailing offers either for the next 5 years or even permanently. Conversely, there is even an option for consumers to be opted in for direct mailing offers.
There are also 3 credit bureaus that you can get in touch with to get yourself opted out. They are: Equifax Opt Out, TransUnion Opt Out and Experian Opt Out. All you need to do is to write to these 3 credit bureaus notifying them of your preference not to have your personal information shared out for promotional purposes. Once the process is complete, your name will be opted out for the next 2 years.
Finally, you can also write to the Direct Marketing Association and inform them that you wish to be opted out from any direct marketing promotions. All you need to do is to provide them with your personal information so that they can remove the right name from their list. All in all, opting out of mailing lists may require some effort from your part, but it will all be worth it once you stop receiving calls from telemarketers and junk mail in your mailbox
About the Author:
Alan Bernstein recommends Find Credit Cards to apply for an HSBC Bank credit card today. See for more information.