HOME >> How To Program An Avaya Partner Phone
YOURIMAGEHERE3How To Program An Avaya Partner Phone
It is very easy to program an Avaya Partner phone, but only if you know how. First lets get to the basics. In order to program the phone you have to be at extension 10 or 11. That is where all of the programming must be done. A programming overlay is also placed over the phone to guide you through the programming functions.
A display phone is also needed for programming. Also take note that if you have a 34 button phone in your Avaya Partner phone system then you must use a 34 button phone for programming as an 18 button phone cannot be used to program a 34 button phone.
There are two types of programming in the Avaya Partner phone system: there is System Programming and Centralized Telephone Programming.
When using System Programming all of the phones in the system will be programmed for the feature that is being programmed. When using Centralized Telephone Programming an individual phone itself will only be programmed for that particular feature.
To access System Programming press the Feature button then the "0" button twice on your keypad, then hit your left intercom button twice. To access Centralized Telephone Programming press Feature 0 0, left intercom twice, then right intercom once. To exit programming press Feature 0 0.
Programming the date on the Avaya Partner Phone:
From extension 10 or 11 press Feature 0 0, press left intercom twice (this accesses programming, see above) then press #101. Enter the date in this format MMDDYY. Include zeros for months and days. When you are done press # to type in another code or press Feature 0 0 to exit programming.
Programming the time on the Avaya Partner Phone:
From extension 10 or 11 press Feature 0 0, press left intercom twice (this accesses programming) then press #103. Enter the time in 24 hour notation using this format HHMM. For example, to make the time 2:15 pm, press 1415. When you are done press # to type in another code or press Feature 0 0 to exit programming.
And that's basically it when it comes to programming the Avaya Partner phone system. Simply access the programming mode, then type in the 3 digit code(s) for the feature you want to program, then exit programming.
Hey, why pay money for a service call to have someone program your phones when you can easily do it yourself?
Al Martinovic has 10 years experience in the telecom industry and runs a website that sells business phones and systems at http://www.grandslamtel.com |