AltaVista recently added a section titled " how AltaVista works". This is a very useful resource and everyone with an interest in obtaining a high ranking on AltaVista should read it carefully. You can find it at
Here is the most important new information they provide in this useful guide:
1) Keywords are only counted twice, so it is very important to have the most important keywords in the places where they get you the most "points". These are the title and the tags. To find the best keyword strings use the "search term suggestion" at, at
2) Keywords in the title tag get you the most points, and the start of the title scores highest.
3) Keywords in the "first lines of text" are also very important. The tag may get you more points than text.
4) The Metatag "keywords" is not as important to ranking as the first lines of text. Hence keywords found here could lower your score if they are also in the first lines of text.
5) Links from other relevant sites are very important, this is called "link popularity". The more distinct domains the better. Also "good" sites score more highly. So if you can not explain why a site ranks above you when the keyword is not in their title, check who links to them ( using You will most likely find lots of links from top sites like Yahoo, MSN, Excite etc., or a very large number of links from other sites.
6) Rare words score more than common words. To quote AV -
"If someone searches for fruit and pomegranates, pages with the word pomegranates will appear at the top of the list (a technique known as "inverse document frequency")."
7) AV goes to some lengths to explain that they are not a "database", and they store all the words on the page in order to preserve "phrases". So if you search for " search engine placement" you will get sites with the string "search engine placement" listed first, and not sites with the same words in a different order. For example try a search for "placement engine search", and compare to the results for "search engine placement"
8) Pages at a high level rank higher than pages buried deep into the site, so index.htm ranks highest. It is worth registering more domains and using them as "doorway sites". Link these sites back to your main site to get extra "link popularity".
Analysis of results for search for mp3 (March 21, 2000.)
Here are the results of a search on mp3 ( MP3 also gave the same results, so capitalization on AV is becoming less important than it was).
Title = - About
PeZ MP3 PagE
Lycos Music: MP3 Search
MP3 Audio Finder - brought to you by eAcceleration Corp.
Shopping Cart< itle>
MP3 music on< itle>
8 free mp3 downloads online cd jukebox MP3 music greeting cards< itle>
9, #1 Source for MP3's on the Internet
The MP3 Place - Music and Information for the Digital Generation< itle>
Having the keyword in the url or page name is a good idea.
Home pages score much higher
Not sure how "shopping cart" got into the list. Most likely it has a large number of links from other pages on the site, which shows the importance of the web site name!
Template for top results
URL - include keyword phrase, use the dash for best results
Page name - include keyword phrase if it is not in the url
Page title - include phrase at start of title
Meta description and keywords - include phrase as string
tag - include phrase
Text - include phrase at top of page
Links - include links to sites with the keyword in them
If any "good" sites have links to you, check and make sure AltaVista has the pages with the links registered. If not, you can register the linking pages to improve your link popularity using the AltaVista add URL page.
About the Author
Kevin Hickey 724 834 3359 provides useful free advice and tools to identify the right keywords and improve your search engine ranking. We also offer consultancy in web site promotion and marketing