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The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires each of the Nationwide Consumer Reporting organizations (Equifax, TransUnion and Experian) to provide you with one free credit report every 12 months per your request. This means that you are entitled to three free credit reports per year, if you deem it necessary. You can stagger the requests or order all of them at the same time.
Each of the National Consumer Credit Reporting bureaus have a unique credit report format, but in essence they provide you with the same information. When you receive your free Experian credit report use the following guidelines to read your report:
Personal Header Information
Potentially Negative Information
In addition, this section will list any bankruptcies, foreclosures, judgments or liens in your credit history.
Credit Items
You will see a summary "credit history" for each of your accounts. The summary will indicate, whether the account has been to collections or was delinquent. In cases, where you are disputing items against the account, you will see a note indicating your dispute status.
Accounts in Good Standing
Requests for your Credit History
"Requests Viewed by Others" are inquiries against your credit report from creditors with whom, you have applied for credit lines or loans (e.g. mortgage loan or credit card application). Some inquiries may have been originated from potential employers. Each request will have details identifying the name of the requesting company, their address, the date on which they made the request and any comments regarding the request.
"Requests Viewed by You" are inquiries against your credit report by yourself or persons who have permission to review your credit file by law (e.g. creditors wanting to offer pre-approved credit, employer about to extend an offer of employment or consumer credit reporting bureau processing a request made by you). Each request will detail the name of the requesting company, their address, the date on which they made the request and any comments regarding the request.
Personal Information
Note: By law, Experian cannot disclose medical information, therefore any accounts of the medical nature will be listed as "Medical Payment Data".
You may also find the following credit report terms helpful:
Sample Experian credit report
The author is the owner of the information-rich website www.poorcreditgenie.com. The website offers free advice on how to rebuild credit and manage debt. The site also features numerous articles and news stories on credit report, credit cards and bankruptcy. |