Eliminate the Phone Company and Have Better, Cheaper Service
If you live in or near an urban area, especially one with
multiple area codes, it's likely that you are over-paying for
your phone service.
One way the traditional phone companies make huge profits is by
charging exorbitant rates for local-long distance phone calls.
Often, any calls beyond 15 miles from your home, while local,
are charged as long distance. Often if costs less to call across
the country than the town next to you.
The old slogan "let you fingers do the walking" to call local
businesses or friends can quickly become expensive.
Now, thanks to new technology, you can eliminate all those
charges, gain better phone service and features for far less
Digital phone service is the solution.
Sometimes known as VoIP (voice over Internet protocol), this
technology uses the Internet to carry the phone call from you
home to the other person. You basically eliminate the
traditional phone company.
You don't have to sit in front of a computer with a headset on
taking to someone doing the same. You can use the phones you now
This does require broadband or high-speed Internet service. The
good news is that you could add broadband to use the digital
phone service, and with all the savings, you likely would pay
less per month than you do now. You would gain better,
lower-priced phone service and high-speed Internet- all for less
Right now, 89% of all U.S. households are capable of getting
broadband Internet and therefore digital phone service.
All your local-long distance charges would be eliminated. Almost
all digital phone services include many features such as free
long distance calling.
The basic plans cost much less than traditional phone service,
plus the taxes are less.
Until recently, there was a problem with 911 working with
digital phone service. Some of the irresponsible carriers would
sell a person VoIP service without considering this.
That problem is eliminated. Now there is E911 (Enhanced 911)
where your number is added to a database so any 911 call will
show your address. This is expanding to cover the entire U.S.
The responsible carriers will only sell digital phone service in
areas where people can be on the E911 system.
If you visit our web site, we can direct you to one of those
carriers. We also provide a checklist for selecting a digital
phone service provider.
In addition to more features and lower costs, a few digital
phone companies are compatible with video phones. These are
standard desk phones with a TV screen. Now you can actually see
in real-time the person you are talking to!
The family and business applications of this new and inexpensive
technology are endless.
For more information about slashing your phone bill and picking
up lots of features with digital and/or video phone service,
please visit our site at:
If you would like to know which digital phone service we
recommend and why, please click on:
About the author:
Paul Myers is President of Ph.Developments USA, Inc. and
webmaster of
A site dedicated to helping people discover video phones and
save money on telecommunication services.