Have you ever met with, or talked to a prospect that wasn't
ready to buy what you had to offer? What did you do with that
prospects? Most sales gurus of the 1980's and 90's wrote books
that told you to move on to the next prospect who is ready to
buy now, and not waste your time on those that aren't ready yet.
James, here's the wrong assumption to make in that
situation. You took the time and educated the prospect; they
walked out, and you automatically think that they either bought
from someone else, or they were just tire kicking. Wrong!!!
> > > Why Prospect Shop Price Alone
Did you know that your prospects were conditioned by your
industry to make price the overriding issue when looking for
products and services? Whose fault is this? In my opinion, I
would have to say that in most cases, it's the fault of the
vendors that are selling your product or service.
Why do I say this? Think about itmost prospects that call you
have done most of their research regarding the type of product
or service that you offer and are now ready to buy. The typical
prospect makes 3 to 5 phone calls asking who can provide the
best price, because they've already done the research and know
what their needs are. What might you tell them? You might jump
at the opportunity to gain a new client and say, "I'll give you
the best price, what did the other guy offer you?"
James, have you ever wondered how to sell your products
and services more on value than simply on the price?
Understanding The Educational Spectrum
Think of the Educational Spectrum as a horizontal line from left
to right, with the letter "A" representing the far left hand side
of the spectrum and "Z" being the far right. Prospects jump on
the educational spectrum somewhere from A to Z. A is when the
prospect first gets the idea that they have a need for what you
have to offer. We call these "Future Buyers". Z is when money
changes hands and they acquire the goods. We call these
"Now Buyers".
Here's a simple illustration of the Educational Spectrum. The
key is to determine where your prospects are on this spectrum
and help them move comfortably and consistently towards the right
of the spectrum where they then become the "Now Buyers".
A- Prospect firsts gets the idea to buy what you sell
D- Starts gathering information on an informal basis
G- Asks friend & associates for recommendations
J- Heavy-duty fact finding
M- Narrows choices by process of elimination
P- Narrows in on favorites; decision is coming soon
S- Makes decision to buy but not necessarily who to buy from
V- Waiting for the right time
Z- Money changes hands
Just like we know that having a baby takes 9 months, you have a
good idea what the selling cycle is for your products. Whatever
it is, you know it is fairly constant. So why rush the future
buyers to buy when they are not ready? Why not use the selling
cycle to your advantage?
Become The Logical Choice To Do Business With
Understanding the job of effective marketing will allow you to
assist your prospects when you know that they are not ready to
buy what you have to offer by providing marketing materials that
are hit their hot-buttons and educate them in a systematic way
until they are ready to buy.
This process should be systematic and automated, so that they
receive industry significant information that helps them to make
a quality decision. In other words, you can become the advocate
for your industry that prospects look to for advice. When they
become "Now Buyers", where do you think they will go for their
purchase? Good chance, it will be you!
Think of yourself as the fountain from whence all information
flows when it comes to buying what you have sell.
It should not be important who your prospect buys from as long
as you are committed to providing the best information and
knowledge so they can make the best buying decision for
themselves and their situation.
In the end, no one wants to feel like they made a bad decision
to purchase your product or service, so it is important that you
assist your prospects every step of the way as they are gaining
confidence in doing business with you.
About the Author: James Bell, the author, teaches business owners, entrepreneurs,
and professionals how to acheive bigger, bottom line results
from their advertising & marketing efforts without spending more
time, effort, or money. Learn marketing strategies and tactics
to separate yourself from your competition and become the
obvious choice to do business with. To learn more about how to
improve your own Marketing Efforts and Achieve Better Results,
visit: http://www.MYMOnDemand.com.
Email: mailto:jbell@mymondemand.com
Source: www.isnare.com