A career in massage therapy can be an extremely rewarding choice for people interested in working with and helping others. While learning the proper techniques from an accredited school or academy is paramount, there are a number of other important considerations to reflect upon while considering a career in massage therapy.
To begin, you ought to ask yourself a few important questions. Do you enjoy working with people? Do you enjoy caring for and tending to the needs of others? Are you comfortable spending much of your day in silence? How strong are your interpersonal skills? These are only a few of the things you ought to ask yourself. It takes a certain special type of person to work with others day after day, especially in a health care setting. Look inside yourself, and you will undoubtedly find the right answers.
Prospective massage therapists should also try to get a feel for the job by spending some time researching the job. This can be performed in a number of ways. One of the best ways is to spend some time with another massage therapist. Why not make an appointment for a massage, and use the opportunity to ask any questions you might have? Most massage therapists will be only too glad to assist you, as they are generally very enthusiastic about their work. This would also be a great opportunity to learn about any requirements for practice in your area.
There are as many schools teaching massage therapy, as there are massage therapists. Be sure to research all of the schools you are considering thoroughly. While there are many reputable schools out there, there are some that are better than others. Accreditation should be a determining factor in your choice. If your degree is not recognized by your local authorities, there is no point taking the course. Do your homework, and be sure that you receive a degree from a reputable school that will allow you to practice in your area.
One of the best ways to gain exposure in your chosen field is to do volunteer work with a local masseuse. It will give you excellent exposure to your local client base, and will allow you to network and meet other people in the industry. Talk to your school about a possible co-op placement. This way, you can make the industry contacts you need and get school credit for it, too. Once you have gained the experience you need to thrive in your career, you can feel comfortable branching out on your own.
About the Author: Stephanie Macintosh is a certified massage therapist based in Portland. When she is not busy with her growing practice, she writes for http://www.massagetherapy101.com – an insightful website with information about the benefits of Massage Therapy, Massage Techniques, Massage Equipment and more.
Source: www.isnare.com