How to Submit Articles to Article Directories
The newest method of organic search engine optimization is the
production of original content and its publication and
syndication throughout the internet. There are a lot of benefits
of submitting your own articles to article directories but
before we go into the benefits, what actually are article
This is the million dollar question. Article directories are
simply database websites that collect, compile, sort the
articles to their own categories and make these articles
available to the public. The public can then read these articles
for free or reprint them based on certain guidelines.
There are countless number of article directories nowadays. Most
of them are offering free membership to authors to submit their
quality articles.
Moreover, this should be good news to webmasters who are looking
for content to share with their mailing lists too, as these
article directories provide a great one-stop resource to deposit
and find articles.
Now, if you are an author, you shouldn't just write articles and
keep them to yourself if you want to get tons of readers to read
You want to get your articles distributed across the net and one
great way to do it is by submitting your articles to various
article directories.
Let's see why you should submit your articles to these article
1. You will establish yourself as an expert in your area.
For example, if you are a doctor specializing in cancer
treatment, you could write 500-word articles about mesothelioma
or breast cancer and how to prevent them. The more you write,
the more exposure you'll get and people will look at you as a
knowledgeable person in your area.
Some article directories list top contributing authors and when
people see your name among the top, indirectly, they'll have a
perception that you know what you talk about.
2. You don't have to pay for advertising anymore.
Web publishers and ezine owners are hungry for fresh, quality
contents. Simply give them what they want.
Where do these publishers look for articles? Many will find them
from article directories.
If you write good articles, these publishers will be more than
happy to forward your articles to their mailing lists. With a
single article blast, you could potentially reach tens or
hundreds of thousands of readers for free.
Article directory owners, at the same time, are also actively
marketing their article directories. This means your articles go
along with their marketing campaign as well.
3. Your articles can be your viral marketing tools.
There are article directory owners who partner with other
webmasters to distribute articles to many other websites. You
submit one article to a directory and that same article appears
on many other websites at the same time. This technology is
called RSS (Really Simple Syndication).
Some webmasters will pick up your articles and forward them to
others, who forward them to others again. Soon, you'll discover
your same article has been published on hundreds of websites
within days. It's that possible.
4. You can generate massive traffic to your website.
Search Engines love article directories due to their contents
and often established directories receive massive hits from
Google and Yahoo. You could piggyback the traffic received by
these directories by depositing your articles on their
databases. Those who visit these article directory websites will
potentially read your submitted articles.
Just make sure you have a website to promote and you've already
placed a link back to your website in your signature file at the
end of all your articles.
5. You can generate sales even if you don't have a website.
If you are an expert in your area, people will read your
articles and listen to you. Now, if you refer your readers to
any product you recommend, your recommendation won't look like a
sales pitch to them anymore. It simply is a solution to their
problems, but be very careful with the way you recommend
products in your articles. Most article directory owners don't
like blatant advertisements in the articles.
Here's the best part. If you don't have a website, guess what?
The article directories will be your websites. Your articles
will be hosted on these article directory webservers for free.
To get website visitors to contact you, leave your phone number,
email address or any special instructions to contact you in your
signature file.
To sum up, the 5 reasons above are a few good ideas on why you
should submit your articles to various article directories. You
will discover more benefits once you get involved in article
submission actively.
In case you are looking for websites to publish your articles,
below is a Online Article Directory you can visit.
Happy Writing!
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