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How To Submit To Web Directories
By Daniel Smith



You finally took the plunge and registered a domain name. After months of building the website and writing and editing content, you are ready for business. You have this great website but no visitors. Generating traffic is paramount to having a successful website. One method of traffic is referrals from web directories. How to submit to web directories is a question that is easily answered, but developing a strategy for the best results might take a little time. Here is how to submit to web directories as well as the advantages for a website. Web directories organize and group websites by their content. Web directories make locating websites of interest an easy process since they are organized by topics. It is important to get a website listed in web directories for a number of reasons.

There are many great benefits to submitting to web directories. First and foremost, a listing in a web directory can increase traffic to your website. Whatever the subject of your website, it will be easier for people to find if it is listed in a directory. The more exposure a website receives, the more likely other websites will link to it. Webmasters may view your content, like what they see, and want to advertise on your site. Another possibility is that they might find your website interesting enough to put a direct link to it on their website.

Unlike search engines, web directories are edited by human eyes, therefore only reputable sites get listed into a directory. Editors from the web directory visit each submission to make sure it is a legitimate listing. This encourages people to use web directories to find websites of interest since search engine results can vary. Having your website in a web directory lends credibility to your blooming website, since people will know it is the real deal. Since credibility is established by being in a web directory, it will help improve your search engine ranking.

Branding is a great marketing tool and can be utilized in one way by submitting to several web directories. Not only will visitors know your website, they will also know what you sell if the title of your website and the product are the same name. People will make the connection of your product to your website, almost insuring they will visit your site again. This can help that entrepreneurial endeavor take off much faster.

When a website is submitted to well-known directories, it can lead to listings in many other directories, since some directories rely on other website's listings to build their database. This is great for your website, as one submission can lead to countless others and at no cost or effort on your part. This free marketing could generate a lot of positive effects for your website. The more places people are able to find your listing, then the better it is for you. The referrals from web directories bring in the visitors that have an interest in your website.

Another positive to being listed in a web directory is that so-called scrapper sites will distribute your listing to their own pages. They do this to earn revenue from Google's Adsense program. It's increased exposure of your listing to countless numbers of people.

It's easy to get your home page listed, but content pages that are embedded deep into your website might be harder to get noticed. Some web directories allow deep linked pages to be submitted as well. This is a great method to market your whole website since not everything is listed directly on the front page.

Now that we've talked about the benefits, let's get to how to submit to web directories. Getting your website listed in most web directories is a simple process. Simply visit the web directory and look for a link to add your site. If there isn't one, find out how to contact the web directory and inquire about how to add your listing. With hundreds of Internet directories, individual submissions to each one can be very time consuming. Many websites will submit your listing for you. Some charge a fee while others are free.

Submitting your website to a directory usually involves filling out a simple form that collects some information about the website, such as the web address and a description. Always check with the directory first to make sure your website is not already listed before submitting it. You will probably also have to choose the sub-category for your website's listing. Do some digging and researching into the sub-categories of a web directory and choose the best fit.

How to submit to web directories can be a straightforward process. The benefits of being listing in web directories are numerous and can have great rewards.

About the author:

Daniel Smith writes about Internet Web Directories

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