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HOME >> How to Super Charge Your Adsense Earnings



How to Super Charge Your Adsense Earnings
By Andrew Hansen



You’ve heard the stories of superstar Adsense publishers earning 4? 5? 6? Figures a month? Want to know how they really do it without having to buy a $497 course? Tune in!

The goal of most high earning adsense publishers is pretty simple. If there is a page of yours out there with Adsense on it there’s a chance it will get clicked. Therefore it makes sense that the more pages you have out there on the net with your Adsense on it the more chances you have to make money.

The type of sites that are used in this method are usually machine generated as the goal is to be able to make them as quickly as possible. There are hundreds of site generating tools out there now from the originals like traffic equalizer to the now more advanced kinds.

Basically they just create hundreds of keyword optimized pages for you to upload to your website. These pages are designed to rank well in the search engines and hence bring traffic that can click on your ads. Recently however, machine generated pages of any kind have begun to lose favour in the search engines and are becoming delisted very easily.

They almost need to be avoided completely but the exception is if you can make or find a good template page based on core search engine marketing principles. The other exception is that they can work when used in conjunction with what we will talk about next.

So what do you do instead? Blog it baby! Anyone who has been on the internet for a while will have heard about blogs and specifically the ‘blog and ping method’ for attracting search engine spiders to your site and hence getting it listed and ranked in the search engines. I won’t go into it in detail and if you want to know more just go and search ‘blog and ping’ in Google but basically when done correctly it’s a method of getting your page indexed in Google very quickly.

Of course then what you do is have Adsense on your blog so you can get a page (the blog) created and indexed in the search engines very quickly.

So once again the idea is to make as many pages (as many blogs with adsense on them) across as many domains as you can as quickly as you can… Pay people to make them for you, do whatever you can to automate the process but that is the general principle. We will get more into how to promote the sites (so they rank better) later.

By Andrew Hansen

About The Author

Andrew Hansen is the apprentice to an online marketing guru and has learnt in just a few months how to make a full time income from his online ventures. He endorses as the fastest way to get your sites indexed and listed in the search engines.

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