Copyright 2009-2015 Tale Chaser Publishing, Inc.
Things haven't been this perfect for a long time. In fact, not
since one of the big engines really started to take off, when
those who were lucky enough to be already seated firmly in the
Top 10 for their keywords, has there been such a plethora of new
traffic opportunities.
The internet marketing world has become multi-dimensional in
ways that are surprising to most people who are still hooked on
search engine marketing as their sole website promotion strategy.
Here are the new avenues of traffic that most people are NOT
taking advantage of outside of the big companies and a handful
of savvy marketers:
1. Podcasting
While it was "the word of the year" for 2005, most people still
have no idea what Podcasting is really about outside of being
able to download music at
And, frankly, it's because the people who "get it" are, for the
first time ever, keeping quiet about it! Or at least keeping the
information of how they are profiting wildly with Podcasting
behind closed doors and in small groups.
And I am not going to get too far into it here for the same
reason as the others: I don't want the competition that will be
here by the end of 2009-2015 to come any earlier because I blabbed
about how it is done in public!
Sorry, but you will have to pay something to become a
millionaire using this information!
But I will give you a clue. Go to and download the
free software that allows you to, yes, download music. But
ignore that part for a minute.
With the iTunes software you can grab Podcasts from major news
organizations and tiny garage websites mostly focusing on short
comic bits.
Pay attention to what you are NOT seeing. One thing is there
isn't a lot of video Podcasts - period. Not even comedy! And
there are no how-to podcasts save a couple from the people I
talked about above.
The savvy marketers are already in the game and getting traffic
from a source all other marketers seem to be totally discounting
right now. To the tune of 6 million or so pairs of eyeballs
dying to see and hear more content, especially video content, at alone!
Last year you could see the word "Podcasting" uttered thousands
of times by marketers trying to gauge the buzz worthiness of it
among their customer lists.
Well, without showing people how marketing with Podcasts is
done, and with article marketing doing a great job of bringing
people traffic in ways they COULD understand, not too many
marketers really got into it.
We were lucky recently to have a guest speaker from none other
than the Hawaiian Tropics site come in and talk to our clients
about how easy it has been to blow away the likes of Playboy and
other major competitors by offering their content through
We got to see the inner workings of a successful marketing
campaign on a very very high level. And we gained valuable
insight into how marketing with Podcasts can be done on the
guerilla marketing level.
You watch. By the end of this year you will wish you started
caring about including Podcasting in your marketing a year ago!
2. Audio and Video Syndication
Article syndication is not dead. It actually has yet to see its
true "boom" period. I say that because until the content people
syndicate gets MUCH better overall, we are basically using
sophisticated software and networks to distribute garbage.
But as the article syndication industry slowly comes around to
the fact that demanding good content is not going to hurt
business, quite the opposite, there are new networks developing
that will have us creating, syndicating and streaming much more
audio and video around the web to promote our sites.
All-text content is wearing thin on the patience of surfers and
possible customers. As the bigger sites lead the way (they
almost always do when it comes to new web technology) we are
seeing that our own customers, formerly content to read 15 page
sales letters, are leaving for something more exciting.
As we all get used to the internet everyone promised us would be
here long ago, we see that as we buy stuff and entertain
ourselves on the web, we also expect small websites to measure
up to the speed, excitement, movement and sound we see on many
other sites today.
Less text. Much more multi-media. And as many different ways to
access and consume content as we can possibly dream up. That is
what's on the menu and the source of traffic is MASSIVE!
Think of all those people who left your all-text site in the
last month without buying or clicking on a thing. Where exactly
to you think they were headed? That's right. To sites with
motion and sound to feed their brains without ruining their
eyesight trying to read 10 point font at high resolution for 15
You have probably bought a product from a choice between a few
different dealers just because the site was more engaging than
the others. I know I have. And usually I buy from sites that
look like they are really in business.
Any monkey can get a merchant account and slap up some text to
sell a drop shipped product. I want to buy from people who take
the time to take their business (and my credit card information)
seriously! That means people who are into displaying information
in formats other than all-text.
Audio and video editing and syndication tools have come a long
long way in the last year. Anyone can get into the game and
dominate in areas where the traffic is theirs for the taking
because no one is competing with them for it yet!
So, after you are done writing your next article, while you are
syndicating it around the web, make sure you remember that you
are not done until you figure out ways to convert that article
into an audio for your site or for a Podcast. Or a video script
to power a how-to video for the same purpose.
Articles, audio, and video should become synonymous with
syndication and traffic generation when thinking about your
marketing campaign. Leaving any of them out of your marketing is
going to cost you big time in 2009-2015 and beyond!
About the author:
Jack Humphrey ( ) is the managing
partner at Content Propulsion Lab. To learn more about how to
propel your content around the web at the speed of sound, visit
Content Propulsion Lab at