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HOME >> How to Tap into Your Creative Powers with the Magic Tool - Mind Mapping



How to Tap into Your Creative Powers with the Magic Tool - Mind Mapping
By Dr. Vj Mariaraj



Creativity is no more just a buzzword. It is just what makes the world go. Think of all the creativity that gave rise to inventions. From using a blade to landing on the moon have all been made possible because of the wonderful ability - creativity. It is looking at a concept/idea/perception in an entirely new dimension.

We are categorized as 'Right' brained when we display a good range of creativity. The right brain qualities involve imagination, risk taking, creativity, artistic abilities, highly philosophical orientation, etc. Creative people display certain common traits. They display the profile of risk takers, rebellious, absent-minded, humorous, extremely focused, preoccupied, determined, and so on.

As different from artistic creativity, which is an inborn flair for imaginative self-expression, technical creativity addresses the issues confronting our daily lives. We could approach a problem or a situation in a totally different way to discover new solutions to tackling it.

Although creativity is an essential trait that every human being is endowed with, we scarcely exploit this innate ability in us. We can tap into our creative skills by using 'programmed thinking' methods such as Attribute Listing, Morphological Analysis and Reframing Matrix, to finding solutions. These methods involve unique mixing of properties, components and elements to ultimately explore the practical viability of such combinations.

The other well-known method is employing 'lateral thinking' methods as Brainstorming, Random Input and Provocation. It is consciously breaking free from the familiar thinking patterns to allow new ways of perceiving things. Random Input can serve as a starting point when you get stuck. It is using concrete nouns from unrelated fields for connecting one thinking pattern to another.

Provocation deliberately uses illogical, crazy and wild ideas for generating ideas. The basic aspect of lateral thinking is suspending judgment and criticism to give ideas and concepts a free rein. Employing all these different methods can greatly improve your creative skills.

A simple and an effective technique, which greatly facilitates the full use of all the creative method is Mind Map. Be it Attribute Listing or Morphological Analysis or Reframing Matrix, Mind Maps are an immensely useful tool for exploring these methods. Since Mind Mapping technique uses non-linear method, it serves as an elementary tool for creativity, turning the entire process into a simple and highly effective procedure.

As the essence of Mind Mapping is to allow a free and full flow of thoughts and associations, the method in itself stimulates creativity, by bringing all our sub conscious thoughts to the fore. It digs deep into our dormant thoughts and brings them to the surface through use of associations and related links. By including colors, pictures, dimensions, symbols, etc., it taps into the unconscious mind using the language of symbols, pictures, etc.

Mind Mapping indeed is the shortest route to enhancing your creative abilities. Using them constantly and applying them under a variety of situations will help in enhancing your creative thinking capabilities.

About the author:

Dr. Vj Mariaraj is a Mind Map enthusiast and has been using Mind Maps for the past twelve years. He has created over 5650 Mind Maps. To learn more about mind mapping send an email to . He is the founder of that creates Mind Map Summaries of Businees Books. To learn more visit

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