Who wouldnít want to know what lies in the future? By nature man
worries about the future and what could become of him. It is
therefore not surprising to see that all kinds of
fortune-telling services has been in existence for as long as
man can remember and for a business to exist for as long as it
has, there must be some good level of profitability in it.
Now while many will claim that the methods at divination (which
is what fortune-telling is also called) serve merely as guides
to oneís actions, it cannot be helped to point out that the
matter becomes a case of chicken-and-the-egg. Did the prediction
come as a guide based on oneís previous actions? Or did the
outcome occur as such because the predictions have influenced
the personís actions to become so?
For the sake of this article, below are some of the methods by
which one can supposedly tell their fortunes.
Clairvoyance literally means having "clear sight", a special
kind of sight that allows one to see into the future be this in
a teacup, coffee mug or a crystal ball. It is supposed to allow
the practitioner to see beyond physical sight and discern future
events. Those that possess clairvoyance are said to be able to
imagine an object and experience all other senses brought about
by that imagined object. For example, a clairvoyant should be
able to smell an orange even by just imagining it being cut in
half. This skill at a more advanced level is supposed to allow
one to see into the future.
Psychic Powers
Psychic powers are said to be skills in being able to discern
things you cannot see with your physical eyes and that involves
the future as well. The practice of this skill usually comes in
sensing a drawing or figure that they cannot see. Their
objective is to ìsenseî the figureís shape. As the skill becomes
developed, the person should be able to sense events happening
in the future.
Telepathy, also known as thought transference, is the
communication between minds using means other than physical.
Again, the ability, when developed, should be able to allow the
practitioner to see upcoming events by some means through this
skill. An example of telepathy practiced is being able to match
two cards of the same number and color. One person draws a card
and the practitioner should be able to match that card by
tapping into the other personís mind and consciousness.
Psychometry is the method of divination of facts about a person
and his future through the examination of his or her possessions
or parts of the body. Such common items used are articles of
jewelry (such as ring or watch) or long-treasured items (like a
handkerchief or purse). The skill should be able to discern
feelings or details from a personís past, present, or future.
The idea is that the subjectís energy, called an aura, has been
absorbed by the item and that aura is the basis to make a
prediction, in as immediate as five minutes.
Other items and methods used in psychometry are by placing a
letter or card written by the subject to the practitionerís
forehead. The same transference of aura is used as the basis to
detect the subjectís mood, character surroundings and even
upcoming events that may happen to them.
Despite its popularity, divination is resisted by those who see
such practices as hokum. And the opinion is not exclusive to one
particular race, religion or organization. On the other hand,
those who practice these methods claim that the insights brought
about by these predictions or guesses are simply guides to a
personís dealings and should not be taken as a definitive course
of action.
That said, by whatever method of choice you use to calculate
the likely chances of future events, whether they are
clairvoyance or stock market trends, the future remains as
volatile as ever. One can only be too prudent and ready for what
may come. And in the end, it may be all that one can do and the
rest, as they say, is all up in the air.
About the author:
Daegan Smith the owner of
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