Candida is naturally occurring yeast found in the body and its
overgrowth has been found to be a frequent complication or even
a causative factor in many of today's illnesses. Treatment is
available and isn't as complicated as you may think.
Yeast is normally found in the mouth, throat, intestines and
genitourinary tract. When friendly bacteria and a properly
functioning immune system are not present, balance of the system
may be lost and Candida overgrowth may occur.
Someone with an overgrowth of yeast can experience any number of
unpleasant symptoms such as a yeast infection, fatigue, rash,
depression and anxiety. The symptoms of Candida overgrowth are
frequently treated with anti-fungal remedies. Even with these
remedies, however, if your diet is not changed to create an
environment within the body to prohibit the overgrowth of
Candida, relief is sure to be temporary, and problem symptoms
will return.
Once you have established that you have a yeast infection there
are a variety of dietary changes that you can make to improve
your health. Refined sugar should be eliminated from your diet
entirely as it encourages the growth of yeast. Don't eat fruit -
or drink fruit juices - as they contain natural sugars that
promote the growth of yeast. Don't drink beer, wine or liquor as
the alcohol also provides sugar, and many of these products are
fermented with yeast. Bagels, muffins, pastries, breads and
crackers should also be eliminated from the diet as they contain
yeast and sugar. Anything with vinegar - which is made with
yeast culture - should be avoided as well. Mushrooms should be
avoided as should peanuts and peanut butter, cheeses, and meats
that are dried, smoked or pickled. Beverages that should be
avoided are fermented drinks such as root beer and cider, black
tea, and coffee, including decaffeinated. http://www.candid
Both herbal remedies and prescribed medications can be helpful
in treating a yeast infection. Increasing your intake of raw
garlic and soluble fiber will help your body to fight the yeast
infection. A supplemental dose of acidophilus will help to make
your intestinal track more acidic which helps to kill off the
Candida. Other recommended supplements include volatile oils,
such as peppermint oil or oregano oil in capsule form as the
straight liquid may be toxic, tea tree oil and olive leaf
extract. Check with your herbalist as to dose, mode of use and
formulations. For antifungal remedies not available over the
counter check with your doctor about side effects, costs and
Early in the treatment many people notice a worsening of their
symptoms. When the Candida is killed it releases proteins and
toxins. This process is known as die-off and is temporary. With
strict adherence to the diet, and treatment regime the patient
will usually begin to notice improvements in two to four weeks.
Keeping your immune system, "friendly" bacteria, and Candida in
proper balance is possible with a combination of proactive
changes; by altering your current diet, and with the responsible
use of medicinal or herbal treatments you can maintain a healthy
About the author:
Gray Rollins is a featured writer for If
you'd like to learn more about candida
treatment, or about candida
infections, visit our site.