Many companies are realizing cost savings of up to 30%-60% as a result of outsourcing.
Companies now consider outsourcing their functions: sales force, research and development, billing, procurement and even human resources.
This approach allows a company to concentrate on its core competency, also saving them cost of maintaining in-house hardware or software or staff.
·Direct access to highly specialized skills and knowledge required for a specific industry level.
·The opportunity to offer quality services to clients at a much lower rate than you would normally pay for in-house development.
·The possibility of improving your image and exploding your capacity to execute projects on a global level.
·Web-Designing, ·Software development ·E-commerce implementation ·Industry and software automation ·Web Promotion ·Research ·Accounting ·Copywriting ·Hosting
This can favors both parties.
You may be qualified in a certain domain to perform certain tasks, but as a one-man business you can do so much in handling the market demands.
Let’s say for example you are a web designer (I chose this example at random, you may be qualified in any domain, which may include copywriting, accounting, programming, consultancy, research etc…)
Ok, let’s get back to the initial example. Let’s say you are a web designer and you are very good at it.
You can sit in the comfort of your home and use the Internet to search for people who need your services. The internet has made this process very simple, but as a one man business there is a limit to the number of jobs you can take on at one time without messing things up.
Since there are thousands of design contracts out there and you cannot say for sure which clients will choose to go with you on a project, you will need to bid on many job adverts to ensure that you get one to actually go with you.
I used to be a freelancer myself and I found out that in most cases I ended up with many contracts at a time, but because I didn’t have the resources to handle all of them, I had to either turn them down or refer them to someone else.
But you don’t need to do that!
There are people out there who will surely do your work for you at a cheaper rate than you expected and you can put them on a shortlist for future jobs you may have.
Say you win a contract to design a site for 500$ and you can't do it in a timely manner, you can find someone who will do the same job at $300 or less.
All you need to do is to collect this contract for $500 and hand it over to designers who will do it for $300 and keep the profit of $200. This $200 will serve as your reward for doing the marketing and bringing in the client.
Using this system, you will never have to loose a job again and if you are a good manager you can turn this into a very profitable business and all from the comfort of your home.
There are others out there who have enough capital to hire staff on a monthly basis but you too as a company can benefit from using this system.
The principle is the same.
Instead of loosing jobs because your staff is loaded with work. You can outsource your projects to people who will do the same quality job at a cheaper rate and sill allow you to make a profit.
There are companies out there and not only freelancers who specialize in this market who are ready to do the work for you at a lower rate and in the background allowing you to maintain your company status as a reputable provider.
There has been a lot of talk on outsourcing jobs to countries that offer cheaper labor and Romania seems to be making a lot of impact in this domain.
India has been a leader in the outsourcing industry for years now, however things seem to be turning around for the giant as well as other countries like China, The Philippines and Russia who are also major players in the game.
Although the cost of using Romania IT workers is cheaper than that of Indian providers this is not the major factor that has put Romania market in the spotlight.
One important factor that is the driving force of this turn around is that Romania is a country abundant with talented, highly skilled and well-educated individuals who as a result of the regional location have a better understanding of Western European and North American culture than its main counterparts Asia (India), China and Russia.
This closer cultural link and the fact that Romania time zone is close to major Western European countries has helped reduce some of the problems that can result from working with companies with differing cultural backgrounds.
Recent studies show that Companies in the United States are also looking for alternative outsourcing partners in the Eastern block and Romania is emerging as a promising alternative partner and supplier of IT related services among others domains.
Although I mentioned only IT above, the outsourcing benefit doesn’t limit to that only. You can find Romanian talents in many domains: Accounting, Office work, Research, Data entry, project management, customer service … Just to mention a few.
It is up to you to explore this possibility further and expand your focus. By outsourcing your work you can enter domains that you are not even a specialist and make your service more attractive by offering full service solutions. RESOURCES Here is a market place dedicated to Romanian Providers only. You can find talents in IT, Design, Office and Business related domains. However the lower price has nothing to do with lower quality find out more about this Http://
About the Author
Outsourcing has been going on for decades now and technology is taking this venture into a whole new level. As a former freelancer I know how this concept has been evolving and I now dedicate my time to providing a better solution for those who are looking for better and cheaper outsourcing options. ==================== Best Outsourcing Experience ...Someone may do it cheaper than you expected