There are many flavors of page generators out there, some go above and beyond the call of duty while others are still generating pages that will get the site owners banned by the search engines.
You want to purchase a generator that does not leave a fingerprint. If the search engine can figure out what that fingerprint it, your site – and all others can quickly get banned.
So what should you be looking for when thinking about buying a page generator? How can you make sure it isn’t leaving any tell-tale signs that will get you banned? How can you use a page generator effectively? Read on…
Ensure that the application supports RSS feeds. RSS feeds make help conceal your websites “fingerprint” making it harder for the search engine to detect that the page is generated. The application should display feeds from various sources, not just one. Ideally it should also randomly select the sources.
Templates are another way to conceal the fingerprint, especially if the initial template is hand coded. While the idea behind page generators is to make things simple – simple can get you in trouble. You should use the templates provided by the application as a base, and build your own master template from this. By making use of advanced features such as CSS, you would only need to create your template once then just change the CSS properties to have a truly unique page.
Another bonus is the ability to display results from Amazon or other search engines. This adds more value to your pages and valuable content.
Although the idea is to create sites quickly, you will want to add relevant content. This can be done very easily using a myriad of third-party tools that are available. Remember – the goal is to ensure the longevity of your site and increase the number of visitors coming to it. Adding relevant content is easy, there are many article aggregator sites out there that host thousands of articles on virtually every topic imaginable. Simply select the articles you want to reprint – remember to adhere to their terms of use, and post them on your website. Some simple scripts can be purchased to rotate the content so that you have a unique page.
Another idea to keep the search engines guessing (and to increase your sites profitability) is to add links to affiliate programs that enhance the site. For example, if your site is all about golfing look for affiliate programs that complement this theme. You can visit companies like Commission Junction or Share-A-Sale and choose from hundreds of companies that are looking for eager affiliates to join their ranks. Not only will this enhance your site, but many companies provide free content written by professionals in their field.
You should also consider setting up an autoresponder on the generated site, with some way to capture visitor’s names and e-mail addresses. By doing this, you again increase the sites chances of becoming profitable. By collecting names and e-mail addresses you have a way to directly market related products and services to the visitor. It could be an e-book, or mini-course or someone else’s products that pay a commission on sales made.
Finally you may want to consider providing a reciprocal linking solution. What better way to “legitimize” your website than have other sites linking back to you?
Setting this entire system up can be a time consuming task, but you just have to do it once. After that all you need to do is take the basic building blocks and duplicate it. You could be generating complete themed sites, rich in content and packed with valuable offerings for visitors in hours instead of days, or weeks.
Now that you have the blueprint, what are you waiting for?
About the Author
Mohammed Bhimji is the owner, and developer of Turbo Traffic Engine, an advanced RSS Page Generator.